The Silencer
I finally started playing No Regret again after all this years. In all my years of playing I think I unconvered nearly every secret. While I play now, I have the Prima Guide with me, to double check if I really have all the secrets. To my amazement, I found one that is not covered by the strategy guide. See the screenshot below:
This is mission 3. I took the secret duct to take the shortcut. This screenshot is taken right when you exit the ventliation duct.
The secret at this part is using a datapick to crack the keycard reader (it's not possible to find the matching keycard but you find a datapick as you go up the stairs). It opens the wall next to it, revealing the panel. That opens the room to the monitor behind the shot fan which in turn activates the telepad.
The Prima Guide hasn't got this listed and the panel and monitor don't show up on the maps. Using the teleporter you are teleported to the mid-section of this level where you can find a fission battery (highly useful!). Unfortunately there's no way back here. There's a telepad that can be activated, however it takes you to that room where you can't get out (a room with two teleporters, one active which always teleports to the inactive one) which means you have to start fighting your way through the whole level after all. Normally I wouldn't mind, but I decided to play Loose Cannon and I found out I'm horribly out of shape, hehe. Anyway, I thought I'd share this.
Does anyone have more secrets that are not covered in the guide? I always thought the guide was exhaustive, but apaprently they overlooked this. Which was also not mentioned is that at the start of this mission, there's a guard coming out of the elevator you exited from when you entered the level. If you are quick, you can get inside and hitch a ride to a level below with a few guards a locker.
EDIT: It appears you can return to the shortcut area after all, there's a hidden telepad next to the locker room. Thank god.

This is mission 3. I took the secret duct to take the shortcut. This screenshot is taken right when you exit the ventliation duct.
The secret at this part is using a datapick to crack the keycard reader (it's not possible to find the matching keycard but you find a datapick as you go up the stairs). It opens the wall next to it, revealing the panel. That opens the room to the monitor behind the shot fan which in turn activates the telepad.
The Prima Guide hasn't got this listed and the panel and monitor don't show up on the maps. Using the teleporter you are teleported to the mid-section of this level where you can find a fission battery (highly useful!). Unfortunately there's no way back here. There's a telepad that can be activated, however it takes you to that room where you can't get out (a room with two teleporters, one active which always teleports to the inactive one) which means you have to start fighting your way through the whole level after all. Normally I wouldn't mind, but I decided to play Loose Cannon and I found out I'm horribly out of shape, hehe. Anyway, I thought I'd share this.
Does anyone have more secrets that are not covered in the guide? I always thought the guide was exhaustive, but apaprently they overlooked this. Which was also not mentioned is that at the start of this mission, there's a guard coming out of the elevator you exited from when you entered the level. If you are quick, you can get inside and hitch a ride to a level below with a few guards a locker.
EDIT: It appears you can return to the shortcut area after all, there's a hidden telepad next to the locker room. Thank god.