The Silencer

See these containers on mission 5, second level. It's near the end of the level, the room before the regular elevator (not the secret one). How do I get up to those boxes? I tore the map apart looking for a switch that maybe activates a telepad or something.
And another thing, when entering the prison complex it self there's a room with two floor safes.
Where do I get the passcode for the safe? I know I can just use a datapick, but the game never forces you to use a datapick anywhere. There's always an alternative way to beat keyreaders or keypadds when you don't have the combination (either data link messages, monitors that bypass them etc).
EDIT: never mind the second screenshot below, it's been too long since I played. Around the corner is the number 132 on the wall that's used for this safe. I should have known since this level is known for reading numbers on the walls.