Yes In Fact I'm a little tired of the Old Armor of Silencer and I decided to change it to the future Armor, It isn't an android. And the winxp MUGEN version is better I used Captain Commando as base. I have a big surprise for the second story. A new Crusader will come, I decided to use Magneto as a base but with red skin and a red Cap. His name will be General Crusader. Let's say that Magneto helps him to build a better armor then. And the 2nd Crusader will be more powerfull. But It will still having troubles for beating Akuma. I have plans to make them face in a battle and the second he will Kill Akuma, but the "Evil Intent of Akuma" , will pass into General Crusader, and here's where Evil Crusader will appear. Hehe. Sounds great. I'm working with the specials now from Captain Crusader. Apart from that I have to create Silencer's helpers or team.
Well, Here are the advances of win mugen's Crusader:
- Common and Crusader punches and Kicks finnished and added to cns files.
- Air animation finished.
- Crusader snd file finished.
- Crusader sff sprite done.
- 6 color pallets *.act files, Red Skin (1), Blue Skin (2), Yellow skin (3), White Skin (4), Black skin with white Visor face (5), Gold skin (6).
- Special attacks:
*Crusader Blast XYZ: moves are ~D, DF, F, x or, y or z.
*Crusader RP32 shots XYZ: moves are ~D, DB, B, x, y or z.
*Crusader Uppercut XYZ: moves are ~F, D, DF, x, y or z. (blue fire on his arm)
*Crusader Punch ABC: moves are ~D, DF, F, a, b or c. (blue punch crossover).
Missing or in progress Hyperspecials attacks:
*Crusader Mega Blast
*Crusader RP32 shots (50 shots) 50hits
*Crusader Spuer Uppercut
*Crusader Mega Punch
!!!**Crusader extra: Deadly combo with punch kill** 3 levels required!!!.
Throw in punch and kick opponent attacks missing.
and Extra specials and hyper specials.
Soon I will post the character finished, but I don't know where to post it, someone knows a filesharing website? will be very thankfull.
Well ,here I write the guide of combat and the list of characters that will be on the mugen game proyect, also the rules of combat:
*These are the goodies (hehehe):
Crusader Team:
- General Maxis.
- Colonel Mat Shepperd.
- Colonel Ely Stephon.
- Professor Secada.
- Torch.
- Byron (myself).(own character plans).
- Sargent Brooks.
- Lieutenant Marx (new one).
*Street Fighter Team:
- Ken Masters.
- Ryu Hoshi.
- Blanka.
- Guile.
- Charlie.
- Chung Li.
- Dhalsim.
- Sean.
- E.Honda.
- T.Hawk.
- Balrog.
- Sakura.
Crusader's enemies:
- General Dick (new)
- Colonel Nash (new)
- Captain Shaggan (previous new enemy before "evil ryu" match ,ryu with evil intent is a Silencer too, but more powerfull(mmm...interesting) designed by the 2 scumbags.(we know who are)
- Drayggan (he dosen't die in No Regret, he's recued by Mr.Bison before the explosion of Moonbase headquarters) (i'm going to change that I feel like don't make sense)
Street Fighter enemies:
- Zangief (in order of difficulty)
- Deejay.
- Vega.
- Cammy.
- Mech Zangief.
- Fire Gouki.
- Gouki.
- Electric Gouki (increment of evil intent and electric attacks, better than common).
- Sagat.
- Shin Akuma.
- Shin Fire Akuma.
- Mr. Bison.
The rules, you might figured that, don't make sense if, for example: You pick our hero, "Captain" He can't fight against Ryu. You will be able to fight with the listed crusader enemies or SFA, like "Akuma"(eg).
In arcade mode: the matches will be 1 by 1 (2 rounds above listed, always respecting that).
In team mode: the number of matches will be less but keeping the same structure. In turns (2 rounds too per fight).
The street fight characters are done (i'm going to get them better though), the longest work is Crusader's enemies and team.
Changing plans of the fight in common, Ryu won't be kindapped by Bison, sounds stupid they're going to fight for the same purpose, sounds more brave, finish with their greatest enemies once and for all!!!. O0 :

. What do you think?..."Shinkuuuuu....Hadoken" Crusadeeer...Megablast....(imagine that double special at the ending hitting against Psyco-Draygan and Mr. Bison!!! :
