work resumed


New member
ok, as the artists MIA hehehe i decided to move on on my own.

I waited the way too long and now that's enough :D Yesterday started modeling. Finished 1st room, 2nd room is 90% complete. The game itself now uses the different perspective - isometric style, like in Crusader itself. I'm using the characters from the real crusader games, so no worries with the char design now. If everything goes alright i estimate to finish the production this summer :D

Too bad i have to do everything alone, i mean programming and graphics, if we had move artists the game would progress much faster. Anyway wish me luck, i guess i'll need it :D
ohh and here is a test image to show you the new isometric perspective

Holy shit!!

Thats amazing Cyberion! Well done man, it looks incredible and using the original characters is a good move in my opinion.

Woohoo, No Hope is alive again  ;D
thx guys. To show you what i'm doing i compiled a small, raw test version for you

here -

The rooms on the final stage will undergoo heavy photoshoping to make them even better. So far i want to finish all the room, and only after i'm done with it, i'll start to enchance every graphical piece of the game. So far it looks ok i guess. But anyway, have a look and tell me what you think.
Cyb.... That is amazing................:O

I'll have to go through the text and make it sound better, is that okay?
just to show you what i mean "post-enchancing with photoshop".

I render image and than add touches in photoshop. That's what will happen to all other BGs. Blood, scratches, small details. Will look cool.

Cyberion link said:
just to show you what i mean \"post-enchancing with photoshop\".

I render image and than add touches in photoshop. That's what will happen to all other BGs. Blood, scratches, small details. Will look cool.

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: 8) 8) 8) :D ;)That's great!!!
Sorry i can't help. I learned assembler and basic back in 91, and haven't used or looked at them since. ( career diversion). Looks Really nice.