Yes that will be good because we can share ideas, skills, game tips and expirience in that games. :

And also include nes games and a lot more. Pc games starting with abandomware games such as Lotus, Stunts. Arkanoid, Mortal Kombat, Prince of Persia. Then the actual CD-ROM games: Crusader, Descent, Terminal Velocity, Time Commando, Doom, etc... :

Sounds great. Adding info and cheats, tricks secrets. I Know an important number of secret bases in Descent II. Not to mention the secrets un Crusader series. This forum will be based on Crusader dough. I mean to create an appart forum or inside this one a section realted to the old school game. hehe.
In this off topic I created you can tell about old kind games, not only crusader, also other games you played in the same yea,r or the first time you played for example Descent I, Doom. How did you play? funny things, bad playing at first, hehe. For expample me. The first time I played crusader was really difficult that I used to play it in Mama's Boy difficulty, and in Descent I as Trainee or Rookie. Lastweek I played descent in ace or hot shot, but I never had the courage of playing it in Insane difficulty or In crusader: in no regret. In fact those two difficulties from different games I used three times but they killed me befor I step into the room. Or in the case of the spaceship the destroy me befor I can shoot. jajajaja.

. Ah Good memories. Then Time commando. really difficult at the begining for me. In level 4 the one of middle age wars I couldn't defeat the Armored soldier with the big sword. I had to play that part 4 times jajaja.
I think I started to remember that my first pc game wasn't crusader I made a mistake It was Descent I, then Crusader and then Jazz Jackrabbit the green rabbit. These three games were the 3 most first playing games for me. In that order.
I prefer Descent II than the first sequel, because there's no guidebot and you have to learn the mines exits by memory if you don't remember the exit door, you blow your nice ass. And bye bye to your goodies cannons and missles. My favorite missil in Descent II is the Earthshaker and the Smart Missile. My favorite cannons ar Gauss, Helix, Plasma, Phoenix and Omega. Flash missiles and Homing are really usefull. Concusion missiles are useless for me.
My favorites Boss robots are, Level 12, Level 16, Level 20 and 24 the final. Really difficult. 12 isnot too difficult. The most difficult is 24.
In descent 3 my favourite weapons are Microwave, Napalm, Plasma, Electrowave, Omega, Sniper mass ( the one you can aim precisly). Missiles: Black Shark ( this is probably the most impresive missil I ever saw, better than Eartshaker, has the implosion of a death star, really nice animations, and very necesary for cleaning rooms

), the rest of them are commonly except for the Fragmentary, Cyclone and Napalm which are cool and usefull too.