URGENT - Server Trouble


New member
Well my host operator had some troubles with its servers, one of them was damaged somehow and it was the one where all my sites were hosted. Alot of data was lost.

They gave me 3 month free of charge hosting, but it won't return our portal. At least just before crash i managed to amke a backup copy of our forums, so i reinstalled the forums and opened it up again for all of you.

Right now i'm working on bringing the portal back. But the only way to do it now is to code everything again back. Alot of work ahead. But i think i can manage it. Anyway.

Soon i'll install a new forum, port the database there, and instal new portal system, which is eventualy easy to code and more flexible than our previous one.

You still may use these forums for your discussion. Every page will be moved to a new portal even from the forum, so do not worry for this.

- unhappy Cyberion
At least we had a backup!

I should try to finish up my APP update for you by then.
the setting up of a new portal will take me about 3 weeks. Just let you know.

The style will be different. The code is more optimized and the portal will work faster. Wish me luck I have a lot of stuff to do :p

So sorry about the unfortunate turn of events!  :(

I appreciate the work y'all put in to keep this website running for us Crusader freaks!  :)
Sgt.Rico link said:

So sorry about the unfortunate turn of events!  :(

I appreciate the work y'all put in to keep this website running for us Crusader freaks!  :)

thank you mate ;)
Yes... almsot finished every article section. Soon the main menu goes live. Still need to do a lot of stuff.
so far working on the old theme we had. Actually creating the new one to reflect the theme colors we had. To see the changes (if you do nt see them) press F5.

When the theme is done i'll post a seperate news, which will confirm that the theme is completed. So far the theme is underconstration and you might see some unstylized colors here and there while i'm working o it.

The complete theme will include the style we previously had + logo.
I also have fixed 2 bugs so far:
[*] 2nd button "forum" on the top navigation bar is removed. Now there is 1 button as it should be.
[*] Fixed Profile bug, which gave you an error telling that you can't enter the profile because of the wrong declared command. Now you are able to enter and edit your profile again.

And secondly the theme is almost ready. The main layout and colors are done. Now when i get back home, i'll open up the logo (i do nto have my psd file at my work) and will edit it to better fit our portal. Ohh and yes... those stars on the background, they will remain on the background of our old-new logo ;) Holaa!
Looks fantastic!

Do you think you can put in the Vigilance Platform to the far left or something? I think that'd look really great!
Also... For the 'Echo Sector' text, can you use the Crusader font?

Here it is: http://www.hamtwoslices.net/echosector/earth.zip
thank you bud. I used it thx. I also will add it to our download section, when it goes live. Every fan should have a Crusader font ;)
Alright guys. The DATABASE section has been started (where all information about Crusader universe will be, ex. articles, characters, weapons, etc). Began code it and started with anti-personnel platforms ;)

Also I decided to come up with something more interesting for imaging the characters and robots. I'll will use animated images, where you can seen the character/robot rotating. I'm ripping the images from the game right now. heheh the most boring and time consuming work. But to give you better understanding of how the images will look like, take a look at some examples I already did:



I hope you like it ;)