I hope somebody can help me with this mission. I'm close to thinking this is a bug in the game or I am totally retarded.
I basically finished mission 12 and now I have to get back to the exit transporter. But I cannot find any transporter and the way back is blocked with a forcefield
This is where the mission is finished:
I'm now going back to this transporter which I expected to teleport me out, but it doesn't:
No I'm going further back in the level until I finally get to this forcefield which blocks me:
Any ideas what to do?
I hope somebody can help me with this mission. I'm close to thinking this is a bug in the game or I am totally retarded.
I basically finished mission 12 and now I have to get back to the exit transporter. But I cannot find any transporter and the way back is blocked with a forcefield
This is where the mission is finished:

I'm now going back to this transporter which I expected to teleport me out, but it doesn't:

No I'm going further back in the level until I finally get to this forcefield which blocks me:

Any ideas what to do?