Small, but neat update


New member
Hello everyone!

Those of you who visit forum regulary know that GOKU (Keenan Weaver) was working on mp3 music files from Crusader games. Converting them and adding the right tags to them. Well... he finished his job.

It was decided not to keep this add'on till the next Portal Update, which will bring you 0.81 version, but publish it now. You can find music in our left navigation bar under Resources section. Of course when 0.81 goes life we will indicate that it is one of its features, but we do not want to keep you guys waiting several weeks till we publish this update. It is wise to let you all download your favorite music, file by file right now.

You still reading? Go and download!!!

Not a problem at all!  :)

Now you can put the songs on your iPods and stuff.  :p
I edited the music page a bit... Added file sizes, removed some stuff, made it look a little better.
I just might do that. I thought it'd be more lenient for our dial-up visitors if it was just song-by-song.
But it's annoying to those with broadband that need to click one link at a time. The majority of users these days has broadband. I don't know if the webspace allows it, but why not having the songs as single downloads and as one package? That way you please both kind of users.