Remote Console


New member
Ok, finally found some time for small modeling. Here goes the finished version of remote console.

The *.lwo file for Aby could be downloaded here -


Remote Console
Poly Count = 85
Triple Polies = 166
Status = Complete

with good texturing this model will look very and very neat. heh I wish we had our own texturerer ;)
Oh very good. Nice and clean mesh.

Seems we are back on the road again. :)

Do you want to map it and make a texture or should i give it a try?
I'm still looking for a way to make animated textures, which would be useful for computer screens and consoles.

Tomorow i'll make a quick compile and see if there are any problems.
well as for texturing, as you may know - I'm very bad at it ;) so if you feel like texturing it, sure do it.

I would prefer to concentrate more on modeling, thus I can dedicate more time to create nice shape and good looking model. Later today I'll provide a link for my model package.