Project Development Roadmap

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Project Development Roadmap

This topic is intended to lay out the structure of the work we are doing. It lists the primary and secondary goals to help us organise the whole process of development. As the stages are completed they will be highlighted in green color. Thus we and our visitors can monitor the progress status.

This topic will remain locked to avoid unnessesary posting.

Demo Roadmap


[*]Map out first level
[*]Model all non-sentient entities (level objects like crates, barrels, tables, consoles) No turrets and equipments objects here.
[*]Create Crusader-style HUD
[*]Populate level with modeled objects
[*]Script the level (keypads, consoles, elevators, open door on a button, etc...)

RESULT: by completing stage 1 we should have playable level, where we can walk in-game, press buttons, use objects (keypads, elevators).
BUILD: First internal alpha, Regret Alpha v. 0.1


[*]Create turrets
[*]Populate level with Half-Life characters (like Combine Soldiers) for the future replacement with our own characters.
[*]Script characters (their fire power in order to correspond with Crusader universe)
[*]Script the main player (health, energy shield and damage the player takes) to correspond with Crusader universe.
[*]Script the death sequence of the main player (like after death player sees the screen that he was killed and returns to the main menu).
[*]Script turrets
[*]Script Health Recharge Station (when player enters it, it will replenish health).

RESULT: main scripting and modeling is done. Level is playable, however no equipment items added.
BUILD: Regret Alpha v. 0.2


[*]Create equipment objects (energy battery, medpack, weapon clips, etc...)
[*]Populate level with equipment objects and script them (so energy battery goes to inventory and replenishes shield when a corresponded key pressed, medpack goes to inventory and replenishes life on key-press (shouldn't be a trouble as it is already implemented in half-life, all we need to do is to adjust how much health medpack gives), weapon clip gives ammo).
[*]Script equipment crates (when opened they will give some equipment like ammo, energy battery or medpack).
[*]Finilize HUD so it will correspond with all requirements for the first level (number of medpacks indicated on a HUD, number of Energy batteres, ammo left)

RESULT: The level is totaly complete and scripted. Pretty much playable now with all Crusader features.
BUILD: Regret Alpha v. 0.3


[*]Create weapons (concentrate only on those that are used in level 1 to speed up work)
[*]Animate the fire sequince of weapon.
[*]Implement weapon inside game. First person view. Reload animation, firing animation.
[*]Texture weapon.

RESULT: Now you can play using Crusader-style weapon. Fun, fun, fun.
BUILD: Regret Alpha v. 0.4


[*]Create character models(2 characters, listed here)
[*]Animate different character poses (shooting, dying, etc...)
[*]Texture Characters
[*]Replace combine soldiers with our own models

RESULT: Implementation of ingame characters from crusader universe. Like WEC Guard and civilian in white clothes. Shoot them for fun.
BUILD: Regret Alpha v. 0.5


[*]Create textures for the level (map). Like walls, floor, ceiling, etc...
[*]Texture map with created textures.

RESULT: Level (map) is totaly textured.
BUILD: Regret Alpha v. 0.6


[*]Create textures for equipment items (energy battery, medpack, etc...) and turrets.
[*]Create textures for objects (barrels, crates, etc...)
[*]Replace equipment objects and turrets with textured version.
[*]Replace objects with textured version.

RESULT: All equipment objects, turrets and level objects are textured.
BUILD: Regret Alpha v. 0.7


[*]Add Crusader sounds (rip from original game for the time being).
[*]Add Crusader: No Regret Level 1 music as background music.
[*]Playtest the level with sounds incorporated in order to make everything smooth. Fix and edit where it is needed.

RESULT: crusader sounds are now in-game. Level is playtested to make sure that it is stable enough for gameplay.
BUILD: Regret Alpha v. 0.8


[*]Create main menu level (3d level (map), like in half-life with fixed camera). The style could be discussed here. (In my personal view it should be a window of a freighter through which you can see moon. The window is 1/3 of a screen, the rest is freighter wall with some details. Artistic freedom after all).
[*]Add "Traveler" Theme to main menu (Main Crusader Theme).
[*]Add "Main Menu" voice sound when main menu is opened on game load or opened using "ESC" key.
[*]Texturing Main Menu level.
[*]Script credits section (simple vertical scroll). On ESC key exits back to main menu.

RESULT: Main Menu created and scripted.
BUILD: Regret Alpha v. 0.9


[*]Fine tuning of level and objects.
[*]Alpha-testing of gameplay (so called beta-testing heheehe) in order to find bugs.
[*]If any changes to objects, level geometry, it should be done and implemented in this stage.
[*]Fixes of any bugs that were found during development process.

RESULT: Level 1 is totaly complete and playable. As a result we should have a playable demo of our modification. yahoo!!!
BUILD: Regret Alpha v. 1.0 A.K.A. HL2: Regret Demo)

Additional information:
1. This development process doesn't include mech modeling and implementation of Mech Remote Control in our first level. Of course this feature will be added. But on a later stage. First, we do demo without this feature in order to speed up our complicated development. We need to implement and do a lot of stuff from scratch. thus the road to DEMO will take us a couple months at least or even more.

2. If we lack the person, who can model characters, than we will stick with Half-Life character for now and continue with the development. Characters could be added later, when we have the person, who can model and animate them. Thus, when we reach Stage 5 and we do not have Character modeller by that time, we simply skip it and stick with HL models.

3. The exact, full name of the mod is Half-Life 2: Regret. To avoid lawsuits it's not called No Regret, nor does/will the name include anything related to Crusader/No Remorse in the future.

P.S. I spent more than an hour writing this, so please, read all stuff carefully and let me know what you think about it. Mainly Jupix and Hellhound as you are on Project management and it is our duty to decide where we are going ;) As you are moderators of this forum you have rightsto post in this topic, so please do, later on, when everything is discussed and settled, I'll delete the posts to clean up the topic. phew.... done.

Version 1.2 - some formatting and numerous issues fixed -Jupix
Version 1.1 - renamed from "sheet" to "roadmap", for clarity -Jupix
Version 1.0 - original version -Cyberion

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