Portal Updated to version 0.90


New member

Version 0.90​

This weekend was a really tough one. Goku and I tried our best to make next update for the portal as big as possible. We had free time and so we decided to work on it. Goku made plenty of scans of different rare concept images of Crusader. Prepared scans for the install guides and did some clean up work. I used his scans and designed them with the theme of our website. Completely changed the images in Military Forces section to be more in Crusader style and look like they are from WEC database. We rearranged menu, added many new things here and there. We also updated our forum.
This big update is not 0.86 as it could be. It's now 0.90 with new features and new material. On our next update we should finish Armory and Fiction section of the website. When it's done, we finally hit v1.0. Yay!:

[*]Forum upgraded to 1.1.4 version

                    * Inline modification of a board which had moderators was not working correctly.
                    * Stop CDATA blocks breaking preview/quick modify.
                    * Allow users to log out in maintenance mode.
                    * Check GET and POST instead of REQUEST for numeric keys.
                    * Fixed editing grace period inconsistancies within the post script.
                    * Some input values didn't get escaped properly - reported by Michael Brooks.
                    * Some attachment filenames didn't get escaped properly.
                    * Function for fixing list and table tags wasn't working as expected.

[*]Military Forces section updated with new graphics
[*]Install Guides added to the Official Docs section for the download
[*]Newsletters added to the Official Docs section for the download
[*]Updated Music section. Fan music added (Dimension2012 Remix)
[*]New section - Official Art (full of concept art, box covers and many other things)
[*]New section - Fan Art
[*]Redesign of the navigation menu

Go ahead and check every new update out!

-Cyberion :silencer:​
I was browsing through the official artwork section and there was an error.

The concept art of the unknown servo mech that looks like a tank leads to unknow01.jpg instead of unknown01.jpg

Just so you know  :)