New member

Version 0.84
Yahooo! Here's another Portal Update. It was a quite long time since I had a chance to put some work into the portal. Finally found free time and made some additions.
So, here we go, version 0.84 of the portal features:
[*]New Cheats section
[*]New FAQ section
[*]Some spelling fixes here and there
[*]Removed Guest posting
To find new sections just look to the left navigation menu. They are under Database block.
About guest posting:
As of now I've removed guest posting. The bot spamming has increased and left us no choice but to remove the rights to post for guests in the guestbook and in the Tech forum. Still guests are able to view and read the forums, however if people would like to post a question or anything else, they will need to register.
We are sorry if this may bring any inconvenience, but spam-free forum is always better.