Portal Updated to version 0.76a


New member
It was a long time since our last update to the portal. Previous version of the portal was 0.75. Right now we are ready to announce version 0.76a. In this release we polished up the code of the portal and made some huge changes to our database on Crusader Universe.

Here is a list of what we have done:

Bug Fixes

  • Removed a "download' button from the top menu, which redirected you into the wrong download section. Now you can use download button under the Resources cathegory and get your downloads.
  • On Jason Ely?s page, the URL to his website was not linked. Now it works.

Feature additions and improvements

  • Removed Senator Gerard Diago & Jaden Carver under the ?Other Characters? section in Characters? These were characters that were going to be in the next Crusader game and never made it.
  • Deleted the picture of the girl on the phone on the ?Contact Us? page. She has nothing to do with us ;)
  • Revised every page under Armory section.
  • Added new, more detailed descriptions to the items under Demolition Weapons in Armory category.
  • Added new, more detailed descriptions to the items under Projectile Weapons in Armory category.
  • Added new, more detailed descriptions to the items under Energy Weapons in Armory category.
  • Added new, more detailed descriptions to the items under Personal Equipment in Armory category.
  • Added new item (PA-21 "Arbitrator" Laser Pistol) with a full description under Energy Weapons in Armory category.
  • Added new items (BA-40 ?Patriot? Pistol, BA-41 ?Peacemaker? Pistol, RP-22 ?Conciliator? Assault Rifle) with a full description under Projectile Weapons in Armory category.
  • Added new items (Plasma Shield, Chemical Battery, Fission Battery, Fusion Battery, Cyber-Pick, Alarm Card, Key Card) with a full description under Personal Equipment in Armory category.

We hope that you will enjoy those changes and improvements especially under the Armory section. Go and check it out. I guess you will love it. New descriptions are more informative and more detailed. They will give you the full info on what this or that item can do in the game. You can even see now in what exact mission the item appears in the game either it's No Remorse or No Regret.  And of course do not forget to check the newly added items. You will never find any descriptions of them on the Internet, but only on Echo Sector.

Best Regards,
Nice job!

Here are a few corrections(sort of spoiler):
Demolition weapons: In No Remorse first level, Blast-pac is employed to achieve mission objective.

Guns in No Regret: All can be got from Mission 6 Easter Room. So if you also count that one, the firsts of all guns in the game should be no greater than 6.

Items in No Remorse: Two Armory(Easter) Rooms are located in Mission 2 and 7 respectively. Some items can be obtained earlier( i.e. AC-88 in Mission 2). I don't have saves to check the detail.? ?

PA-31: In No Regret, you can get it somewhere tricky in Mission 1.

Color for number of Radiation Shield should be green.

Cyber-Pick(Data-Pick?) can be found in Mssion 1, No Regret, hidden somewhere behind radioactive containers.

Fission Battery can be found somewhere tricky in Mission 3 in No Regret.
Dazzy link said:
Nice job!

Here are a few corrections(sort of spoiler):
Demolition weapons: In No Remorse first level, Blast-pac is employed to achieve mission objective.

Guns in No Regret: All can be got from Mission 6 Easter Room. So if you also count that one, the firsts of all guns in the game should be no greater than 6.

Items in No Remorse: Two Armory(Easter) Rooms are located in Mission 2 and 7 respectively. Some items can be obtained earlier( i.e. AC-88 in Mission 2). I don't have saves to check the detail.   

PA-31: In No Regret, you can get it somewhere tricky in Mission 1.

Color for number of Radiation Shield should be green.

Cyber-Pick(Data-Pick?) can be found in Mssion 1, No Regret, hidden somewhere behind radioactive containers.

Fission Battery can be found somewhere tricky in Mission 3 in No Regret.

ohhh thx Dazy. I'll check the info and correct the stuff later than.
Don't forget to add the new logo, Cyb!

I need to type up the rest of the servomechs, as well.
Are you sure? I checked the dimensions and it's 500x150. (same as the current one)
it's not dimensions. It's cropped. Doesn't fit the page in the meaning of color balance. Looks as if it's from another bg. Trust me i tired already few month ago. I'll make one myself. Better check the points that Dazzy wrote. If they need such corrections. You are much better with this stuff than me :p
ok fixed the mistakes. here is a list of what was fixed:

* Fixed misspelled 'cathegories' to 'categories' in a few of the Articles sections.
* Fixed Blast-pac (First Mission Available: 1, N/A)
* Fixed AC-88 "Reaper" Riot Gun (First Mission Available: 2, 3)
* Fixed BA-41 ?Peacemaker? Pistol (First Mission Available: 2, N/A)
* Fixed PA-31 "Adjudicator" Laser Rifle (First Mission Available: 7, 1)
* Fixed Radiation Shield (First Mission Available: 2)
* Fixed name Cyber-Pick to Data-Pick as well as mission number ( First Mission Available: N/A, 1)
* Fixed Fission Battery (First Mission Available: 6, 3)
* Changed every No Regret Gun that's greater than mission 6 to mission 6.