New member
Ok most part of the portal is working now. I managed to upload most of the files. Download section is fully functional, except No Hope intro movie, which i'll upload a little bit later.
About section is fully functional. Later on i'll add some information about canceled Crusader 3 game. No Mercy.
Community section is fully functional.
Links section is fully functional.
What's left?
On our next update i'm going to open Gallery section + FAQ and Portal Credits page.
On the third update i'll open the articles section, where you will be able to find the information on enemies in Crusader games, equipment, scripts, plot, manuals and guides.
Stay tuned and visit our forums to chat about Crusader universe!
About section is fully functional. Later on i'll add some information about canceled Crusader 3 game. No Mercy.
Community section is fully functional.
Links section is fully functional.
What's left?
On our next update i'm going to open Gallery section + FAQ and Portal Credits page.
On the third update i'll open the articles section, where you will be able to find the information on enemies in Crusader games, equipment, scripts, plot, manuals and guides.
Stay tuned and visit our forums to chat about Crusader universe!