New member

Greetings everyone!
Today we bring you an update to our Portal System (Tiny Portal). We are using this PHP-based portal system to run Echo Sector.
Several bug-fixes have been done from 0.9.7 as well as the addition of a few new features, all to make TP function better.
[*]fixed an error with Layout B on frontpage settings
[*]added setting for recent topics box to have a scrollbar.
[*]added censor routine from SMF to shouts as well.
[*]fixed problems with html in articles and html/article blocks.
[*]fixed issue with showing languages twice in edit block screen
[*]changed whizzypic.php to using proper authentication of user.
[*]fixed wrong references to shoutbox entries in Profile - Portal Summary
[*]fixed wrong showing category tabs in admin - tinyportal - clist screen
[*]removed to obsolete reference to $col in Download Manager Admin
[*]reference to non-existing $txt['tp-panels2'] removed.
[*]INSERT for blocks table did not have var1, var2 specified by integer.(thanks to JPDeni)
[*]typos for loadLanguage calls.
[*]edited credits (thanks to Lesmond)
[*]support for SMF 1.1.2 added
[*]re-arranged frontpage options(thanks to Nokonium)
[*]add check for non-numeric values for menu position
[*]the order of membergroups in DL manager is now alphabetic
[*]dl manager admin show just main categories on main screen, not childs too.
[*]changed the order of comments/views/ratings etc. on articles.
[*]added a height of 20ex on recent topics blocks, that will create scrollbar if the content goes beyond.
[*]corrected $whichbar in TPortal.php bug.
[*]removed line-height in TPortal.template.Caused issues with overlapping text.
[*]added support for utf-8 in all forms
[*]newsblock is hidden if no news is shown
[*]Moved shouts to a new table called xxx_tp_shoutbox
[*]frontpage has its own visual options now
[*]new panels section and moved all panel settings there
[*]when options to hide panels profile/memberlist/pm was on, dynamic blocks did not work there. Fixed.