Origin Games and future remakes


New member
After some time I decided to know your opinion on the best origin's game ever produced. What do you think. Was it Crusader, or maybe Wing Commander or maybe Ultima or other games?

And also it is very interesting to know your opinion on the following matter: Which Origin's game remake would you love to play? Like modern 3D graphics, FX, etc...

As for me I think that the best Origin's game was Strike Commander. As for the remake (or maybe next installment in the series) I would love to see... take a deep breath... Bioforge. And better it be Bioforge 2!!!
Crusader is my favorite game, so... Yeah, it's also the best Origin's game for me ! ;D

And for the remake, as I love isometric 3D games, I prefer whether it's another game than Crusader... Maybe Bioforge (I just see screenshots for now, but I'll test it when I can (I already have it)) ! I always found that real 3D games age although the others (2D and isometric 3D) ! ::)
The best Origin game? Definitely Crusader: No Remorse.

Which remake? Probably Wing Commander I.
Having only played Crusader: No Remorse & No Regret on PC and Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar on the Sega Master System II (the 8-bit console in Europe) I can't form an unbiased opinion. Although I liked Ultima IV and RPG/Fantasy in general, Crusader has remained my all-favourite game. I grew up with No Regret as I played that first (a ripped copy I must add, but now I'm the proud owner of a full version with the in-game literature) and couldn't acquire No Remorse back then.

It's hard to choose between No Remorse and No Regret for me because of that but I liked the atmosphere in No Remorse better, so I think I will go with that.
The atmosphere that No Remorse creates is the main reason why I've played it through so many times. I just love it so, so much.
I really like the atmosphere of bioforge. It's an adventure game, but i replayed it for about 5 or 6 times. I guess it's quite impressive for the adventure game.

here are some unique features for the time BioForge appeared. Only in several years later such elements became must-have for every common game:
    * As a character gets more and more injured in combat, wounds and blood appear on the model, which will also limp or move awkwardly, indicating its overall health (effects that diminish while the players regains health).
    * Laser blaster beams deflect intelligently off metal surfaces in scenes, often bouncing multiple times before dissipating.
    * BioForge used skeletal animation, with pose interpolation and interchangeable skeletons. This would later become a common technique in 3d computer and video games.

You can read about this game in my Origin's Memorial website here - http://origin.cyberionsystems.com/data/game_info/bioforge.html

Memorial's Main Page - http://origin.cyberionsystems.com

Also take a look at wikipedia's page of BioForge. Almost full information on the game. - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bioforge

I never really got in to most of Origin's stuff--pretty much just Crusader and Wing Commander.  But Wing Commander, I felt, was a) a blatant "homage" to Star Wars (it even brought in Mark Hamill as the lead for III); and b) did not have the feeling of movement and speed that the X-Wing games had.

Crusader, though...I've seen very little that matches it for sheer bloody mayhem, at least from its perspective.  Soldier of Fortune was a little more in-your-face (literally) gory, but you couldn't melt people in that game, could ya?!  About the only thing that approached the same feel was things like Slave Zero and Oni, energetic little future-shooters that were delightfully interactive in their own way (Slave Zero's ability to throw people and cars around, Oni's excellent close-combat system), but the camera was set just behind and above you, as opposed to the "security cam" view of Crusader.
Well, my first Origin game was Wing Commander I and I believe that series stands as best Origin game. Back then I didn't like much Rebel Assault from Lucas and, albeit a clear omage to SW, WC appealed to me for it's atmosphere: being somewhere in deep space flying a fighter, dogfighting a ruthless enemy for the sake of Humanity. I remember I was so much enjoing the game I felt like I was really in the cockpit each time I launched fron the Claws' bay... :)

I've never been much of a fan of the Ultima series cause I'm not much of fan for adventure-like games: I like better straightforward action. Ultima probably might deserve consideration as best game, but I don't know it well enough to say.

Never played Bioforge (sorry Cyb) ;) and I had only a brief stint with Strike Commander: I liked it, but always thought WC and Crusader looked better.

Crusader comes right after WC in terms of "best game" and, as much as I would have liked to see a follow-up game, I'd be worried to see one know: often remakes to old games tend to be altered too much in respect to these old games.
However, if a programmer assured me a Crusader remake would stick to all the details of the original series, I'd sure as hell would like such a remake to be made.

Well I love the Crusader games sooo they are high on my list for a remake, but I love the Ultima games even more :O  I have played all of them, ofcourse ultima 7 rulez over them all,  but the best remake they should do is ultima 9,  that game well could have been awsome, sort of is awsome but it sucks to in a way.

Soo there you have it lads

GReetignss from LORD_DrDeathhand
Robotophe link said:
Crusader is my favorite game, so... Yeah, it's also the best Origin's game for me ! ;D

And for the remake, as I love isometric 3D games, I prefer whether it's another game than Crusader... Maybe Bioforge (I just see screenshots for now, but I'll test it when I can (I already have it)) ! I always found that real 3D games age although the others (2D and isometric 3D) ! ::)

Ditto, I love both Crusader's, it would be great to play those games remakes again, I will pay for a game like that.!!!! 8). Otherwise I haven't had the opportiunity to play Wing Commander's series o Bioforge, 'cause here came only the Crusader's series and other games not from Origin, from Interplay and 3d realms. But it will be cool if the wing commander's series are awesum as you say so, It would be great to play one wing commander new game, completely with OpenGl environment or Direct X or the Tecnology we have in these days. :D :)
I also have Bioforge and it is a very good and atmospheric adventure game. Sadly it lacks in terms of durabilty.

Wing commander or similar games were never my interest because I just don't like game in which you control just a vehicle throughout the hole game. Same with Driver games or Mechwarrior.

I like to drive or fly or controlling a mech but then only if I want to in a game that combines everything (like GTA)