No Regret No Regret intro rewritten.


New member
And I'm finally done.  Woo.

Upper Earth orbit
September, 2196
46 hours after destruction of orbital bombardment platform Vigilance

"It's one of those Silencers!"

When he woke up, the Silencer realized he was tired.  It was a sensation he was not entirely used to.  Months with the Resistance had gotten him used to bad sleeping conditions--he doubted anything softer than a box spring would be suitable for him to sleep on anymore.

"He's not moving, either."

Even so, almost two days of nonstop physical activity, and then almost two days stuck in a cramped crash couch, was a new low.  He couldn't have gotten more than fifteen minutes of REM sleep?disturbing dreams already skittering away from his memory kept him from staying so deep?and with over thirty straight hours of catnapping his circadian rhythm seemed to be stuck in "drowsy".

"Notify Control; they'll want to know about this one."

Unbeknownst to the person whose voice had woken him, his eyes were already open; he saw a thin man, face obscured by goggles and an industrial headset, in a white tech's uniform, standing over him.  He heard someone?not the person in front of him?mention medical personnel.

He did not need a medic.  He needed some real sleep, a decent meal, and even a shower would be nice, but as he wouldn't be getting any of that, venting frustration would do.

"I don't think medics are gonna help this one."

There was no need to waste a bullet.  His left hand lashed out with stiff, armored fingers, crushing the man's trachea.

A brief flash of...pity?...slowed him.  But a second look showed the man was armed, if only with a pistol he probably didn't know how to use.  Anyone with a weapon was a threat.

Movement visible in the corner of his eye brought a second tech, screaming for help into the intercom, to his attention.  "...requesting immediate assistance!"  In one shaking hand was a pistol.  A burst from the Silencer's assault rifle, and the sidearm dropped from suddenly powerless fingers.

One pair of bay doors opened.  Two men in the armored uniform of the Lunar Mining Cartel's Guard Corps charged through, firing streams of bullets their instructors would have found lamentable if they had cared enough to give them proper instruction in the first place.

The Resistance had heard the WEC was starting to upgrade its guardsmen, but that the program was not yet widespread; primarily it was restricted to the LMC and those few high-grade SecCart bases where mere guards were allowed.  He'd never encountered them in person before.  When a pair of three-round bursts were enough to take care of the both of them, he felt disappointed.

Alarms were flashing.  That cool feminine voice he'd become so familiar with in recent months was alerting anyone in the vicinity, with bland calmness, that there was an intruder on level 1.

What was it Andrews had told him, all those months ago?  Ah, yes.  Think positive.  He began with the fact that now he knew where he was: locked in a cargo bay aboard the first level?So cost-efficient, to not pay to have the voice altered to say "deck", he mused?of an LMC freighter.  It was also noteworthy

Tactics.  First priority: escape.  Remaining here could be hazardous--if the outer doors opened and the magcon field was switched off, he would find himself floating home.  The nearest door had closed again.  As was fitting, it was a full blast door.  Even if he'd been able to keep heavier weapons like his grenade launcher before boarding the lifepod, he wouldn't have been able to punch through it.

Luckily, he didn't have to.  Whether through luck or some instinct of the Captain's--even he couldn't predict how his mind would work sometimes--one of the guards he'd killed had fallen so that the bay doors would not close properly.  They had attempted to, but could not reduce the guard's three dimensions to two, and so a crack, however slim, was there to be exploited.

His arms were already sore.  They would be more so when he was done.

Anyone who had seen Silencers in entertainment holovids would have anticipated a primal scream used to focus his mind on the apparently superhuman task ahead of him, as he dug his fingers into the crack.  They would not have expected eerie silence, even as he forced the doors open wide enough for him to pass through.  It wasn't much--he certainly couldn't put up any major resistance to the hydraulics himself--but more a forcing of his armor into the crack, then wriggling through.  The real trick was in getting his pack past unscathed.

When he was finally through, he kicked the mangled guard's body to the other side, allowing the door to close again.  A guard on the other side was staring at him like an idiot.  He recovered fairly quickly, and even got a burst off, his rifle's strap slung over one shoulder but the gun itself held ready at his hip, and already pointing in the Silencer's general direction.  It did no good.  One of his shots was deflected off of the Captain's ionic shield, and the others went wide.  The Silencer's return fire put two holes in his heart and one in his left lung.

He glanced at a tech whose hands seemed to be trying to touch the ceiling, then gave the room a scan.  It seemed there were as many as three ways out, but his best bet was probably the lift.  The sleep was already clearing from his eyes.  He thought about that for a moment.  He?d never considered the possibility of being bored before.  Being in the Resistance had made it possible for him to be bored.  This was an unusual state of being for a Silencer.  In a soldier, boredom led to inattentiveness led to death.

A remedy was needed.  He decided to raise his heart rate.
I just LOVE your writing style. It's very direct, yet very artsy. Great stuff.
Cyberion link said:
wow Shadowen! Increadible stuff. I loved reading this, really really nice! Keep up good work!

If anyone knows a better version of dosbox, please post the link so I can download the newest version.
Maniac what does No Regret intro have to do with DosBox?

DosBox thread is here -

we update it when the new version comes out.
CrusaderManiac_2007 link said:
[quote author=Cyberion link=topic=240.msg1295#msg1295 date=1178515320]
wow Shadowen! Increadible stuff. I loved reading this, really really nice! Keep up good work!

If anyone knows a better version of dosbox, please post the link so I can download the newest version.

Please please please learn how to post without quoting people all the time.

Also -- try to learn how to read the board before posting.
Cyberion link said:
Maniac what does No Regret intro have to do with DosBox?

DosBox thread is here -

we update it when the new version comes out.
When I'm trying to play crusader no regret it skips to the following error:

Halted File UPROCESS.C, Line 1040.
The video introduction and the main menu works well, but when I pick the difficulty of the game, in every one of the 4. It exits and post this error.
What should be the problem I might have?
Why did you post this in the No Regret intro rewrite thread? Put this in the tech support forum.
Forget it I resolved it. The instalation files where damaged. I recopied again and worked.
Hey I know how to read the board, don't underestimate my intelligence Keenan I hate when people underestimate: my streath withouth knowing how I fight, my intelligence without watching it in action,  my self confidence and my temperament. Learn that and We might be friends, otherwise you know what's going to happen. I'm going to tell Cyberion this.
And I posted here because I didn't want to look for the tech site. I did it as a hurry. Yesterday night was the problem you should've help in fact of making fun of me. Sincerelly Man. Stop it! At Once!. :mad:

Hey, have you talked about realesing a new crusader, or remaking the 2 sequels t other enterprises??? But in that case we should buy the rights of the game. Kind of deceptioned :'(. But I have faith :) ;). We could do it. What does Tony thinks about this? or Where does he go?. Or Jason Ely?. I know this may have not sense with this topic but that dude is bothering me since loooong long time. ???
You're not listening to me. Learn how to modify your posts before posting a new message. You posted the second message less than 20 minutes after posting the first one... that doesn't make sense. Just put the new message in the previous one.
Well but no one anwers or replies my topics, did you read this you genius?:

Hey, have you talked about realesing a new crusader, or remaking the 2 sequels t other enterprises??? But in that case we should buy the rights of the game. Kind of deceptioned . But I have faith  . We could do it. What does Tony thinks about this? or Where does he go?. Or Jason Ely?. I know this may have not sense with this topic but that dude is bothering me since loooong long time. 
Well but no one anwers or replies my topics, did you read this you genius?:

So why did you post a complaint TWENTY MINUTES after the reply? Why do you expect people to reply to you that fast? You need to learn how the internet works.
I know how internet works, bud, I know how long takes to recieve a replying. By the way also know that rights are really expensive. But by the way you shouldn't put on hold the proyect of crusader. Show it to EA or to Tony Zurovec and Jason Ely. And is a suggestion.
Another suggestion is to add to this web, an own file sharing browser, that will reduce the time of posting a file outside the forum and signing up and bla bla bla... Seriusly man. ???.
When I post a reply I'm doing other things in meantime!!!. I have Winamp Open, I play crusader, may be modeling programs at the same time.
Keenan Weaver link said:
\"CrusaderManiac_2007\" said:
Well but no one anwers or replies my topics, did you read this you genius?:

So why did you post a complaint TWENTY MINUTES after the reply? Why do you expect people to reply to you that fast? You need to learn how the internet works.
That's because you're a kind of annoying guy which is all the time analazing what I post, what I do. Stop it bud. You're a pain in the ass. I have free will remember.

And before complaining of me requoting check other users who do that. Quoting is useful when you want to reply to one specific message. That's all!!!. Stop analazing me every 6 seconds or more.

Do it again if you want but I will have no effects on me I will ignore you.