No Regret No Regret box art


New member
I've just noticed something strange with the No Regret box art which makes me ask:
are there multiple No Regret box arts?... I was looking at the DVD cover available for download on this site and there are some slight differences between the box art of my copy and that of the DVD cover: the weapon in the Silencer's hand has no ammo magazine on my copy of the game, but there's one in the weapon from the DVD cover. The weapon seems indentical in its other feature anyway. Also, the number on Silencer's helmet seems different: No Remorse shows a Silencer with number 43 on the helment and the DVD cover has a two digit number the second of which is  "3", the other is hidden by the weapon's barrel; on my box of the game the mumber seems to be 16 (which as I recall is Zurovec lucky number or something like that).

Anyone knows?
Yeah, there's a few different versions of the No Regret box.

This is the USA version of the box, which the DVD case was created from.

These are the German and Polish versions... As you can see, there are some differences between each other and the USA version. I'm assuming they removed the magazine because the pistols you see in-game don't have a magazine.

About the number thing... That is weird! I've never noticed that before.
I imagined something like that: US vs European box art. The one I have here is a variation of the German version apparently, with the logo of the distributor for my country added in a corner.

As for the number thing I can't figure out why they should switch from what is likely 43 to what is likely 16...  ??? Also, did you notice that the number and the helmet flashlight change in location from right to left side of the helmet from No Remorse to No Regret cover?
Yeah, I've noticed.

Also, the Datalink switches arms between games, as well.
wow Akira. Do you have a scanner? Maybe you can scan this box (front cover and back cover) and we will put it into our download section. We will need those scans. We can't use MobyGames' scans. They are watermarked and are property of MobyGames. So for our portal we will need clean scans.

Check our the ones in our download section for referance (under Box Covers & Disc Covers) -

do not worry about the size, make it big as possible i'll edit it to best fit our requirements. Man this box cover will be a great tribute to our all-things-crusader :p
Don't know if it could be useful, but I think I can get my hands on a scanner and scan my No Regret box art. It's the italian edition which looks just like the german one, except it has the mark of the local distributor located where the "traducido castellano" marking appears on Akira's spanish box
Here are front and back cover for the Italian Box. Didn't find the scanner, so I had to use a digital camera... Hope they still look decently enough... :)

Sorry, hit save, rather than preview...
yay mate thx. As soon as I restore a portal (actually will code a new one) i'll add them to our download list :p
Cyberion link said:
wow Akira. Do you have a scanner? Maybe you can scan this box (front cover and back cover) and we will put it into our download section. We will need those scans. We can't use MobyGames' scans. They are watermarked and are property of MobyGames. So for our portal we will need clean scans.

Check our the ones in our download section for referance (under Box Covers & Disc Covers) -

do not worry about the size, make it big as possible i'll edit it to best fit our requirements. Man this box cover will be a great tribute to our all-things-crusader :p

Hey Cyberion, that's no problem, I'll scan it ;)