On September 12th, 1996, Crusader: No Regret was first released to the people. Crusader: No Regret was the sequel to the smash hit of 1995, Crusader: No Remorse. Made by Loose Cannon Productions, it took the concept of No Remorse and made it better in every aspect -- lush graphics, fascinating fiction, non-stop action, and a gripping story. It sold high numbers and won the place in hearts of every PC gamer. Shortly after the release of No Regret, lead designer and programmer Tony Zurovec and fellow Loose Cannon team members left Origin Systems, Inc. to join Wing Commander creator Chris Roberts' newly created company Digital Anvil. With the sudden loss of the Crusader creator, Electronic Arts, Inc. and Origin struggled to ride the boat of success the Crusader series made. Crusader: No Mercy was in production in 1997 and a screenshot was released on the internet, but the project was ultimately shelved, and later cancelled. Fans of the games were saddened by the sudden death of the Crusader series, but continued to love what they had of Crusader and still love it to this day. It is now 2006, ten years after the last official Crusader game has been released -- there is still the future for a new Crusader game. It will be made. I know it.