New Crusader Gun


New member
Our member Bboy Silencer has created a new very nice looking Crusader art. Here it is:



This stuff looks fantastic! We couldn't pass it and decided to put it on a news page. More about this art you can read and talk here -

-Cyberion :silencer:​
Aw thanks so much! I don't know how to thank you guys for your admiration of my work. On the smilies, I'll work on it next week and send you some more. I'm in the middle of a sprite comic I'm working on that should take this weekend to release. Feel free to use or edit any of my works for your sites, games, etc. I take no credit for making them :).
btw mate i have a request. Could you draw a bigger version of this sprite?  :silencer:

I need front and side. So 2 sprites. Would like to try to model Silencer, but will need the reference images. Wonna make him cartoony style, so your sprites will come in handy.
I can do, yep. Btw, a couple of people from the pixel art forums wanted to help out with my shading of the piece I did. These two are the edits by two different artists. Theirs are better than mine hehe.



Rydin (



ohhhh nice stuff. Looks very very nice mate ;)

Later I'll update your Fan Art section on the website bro.