Forum member Andrew_Ardito has revealed his plans to create a Silencer fighter for M.U.G.E.N. M.U.G.E.N is a freeware fighting game engine where anyone can create their own fighter and dish it out with a huge selection of other characters. Here's what he has to say,
Hopefully Andrew can improve upon his creation and create a great Silencer fighter! Read his post here.
The Silencer isn't the first video game character to be put into M.U.G.E.N, you can find the likes of Mega Man, Earthworm Jim, and the infamous Dopefish! Check M.U.G.E.N out at the following links:
News, I'm working on a paralel proyect with MUGEN environment and I Created a Crusader challenger using warmachine as a base with red skin, has nice attacks and effects, I have to fix it a little bit but it's pretty nice. Has 4 specialls: Crusader Blast (a plasma cannon firing from on side) unfortunatelly some things are similar to warmachine :'( , Crusader Punch :(a fired punch crossover), Crusader electro discharge :
( he grabs the opponent and makes an electric shock) Crusader uppercut ( like a shoryuken from ryu with electric waves on his arm) :
Hopefully Andrew can improve upon his creation and create a great Silencer fighter! Read his post here.
The Silencer isn't the first video game character to be put into M.U.G.E.N, you can find the likes of Mega Man, Earthworm Jim, and the infamous Dopefish! Check M.U.G.E.N out at the following links:
- Download location
- Fan community
- Character database