List of needed textures

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New member
Textures needed

well, another first task for hellhound. We need to prepare a list of needed textures for the first level. Or at least first room.

I think we need to start from scratch and create better textures that we had before. This section also requires to post here the images of the textures that are needed.

I think following format should be well enough for good orginisation here (later on edit this post and delete my message) lol.

[texture name] - [status] - [name of texturer]


So the example of the following is like that:

Elevator Floor - WIP - Hellhound


Feel free to use my format as you like or create your own. But this one looks to me quite well orginised and easy to keep track of.

P.S. I also think this should be locked and used only by moderators.
Sorry for the lack of progress,
I am still sorting the huge amount of sprites, exported from the game.
I try die find the ones of level 1 and post them here as soon as possible.
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