List of needed Characters


New member

[model name] - [modeler]
[status] - [link]


Complete - the model is done.
WIP - work in progress.
No modeler - noone is modeling this model.


[*]Silencer/Crusader - what can I say, this model has to be modeled.
no modeler - no link so far


[*]Civilian White Suit
no modeler - no link so far


[*]WEC Guard
no modeler - no link so far


This is it for the first level. Honostly speaking we need WEC Guard and Civilian model as Silencer model isn't seen. It's first person shooter after all. Howevr Silencer will need to be modeled sooner or later. Thus, I decided to include it as needed model for the first level.
You're right, for the first level we only really need the white suit techie and guard models (plus Silencer's hands for weapon viewmodels).

Obviously, for the final product we will also need the Silencer for any cutscenes and/or schwag to go with the mod, but that can wait.
Also, in cases where the mechs are being controlled and they go near the silencer, it would need to be seen standing at the controlling console.

For the moment, any old model can be used in place of the silencer though.
well so far in order to reach our first Demo we won't be using Mech remote control. We will add this feature after we are completely done with the first level and release demo. In our case no robot in our demo so far. The cell will be simply empty lol. This will help us to speed up the process of completing first level and concentrate more on game mechanics and models as well as textures. Trust me guys we will have plenty of work besides this mech.

Later, after a release of a demo - modeling mech and implementing remote control will be the main first thing we do ;)
And here should be a time when we will need to model a Silencer. ;)

But demo (to attract more people to help us) is more essential right now.