No real actors? Boooohhh

Any reason for that? A bit of cheesyness should still be left in. And nowadays we live in times when you can pay very little to a random stranger on the web to place them front of a camera for you
Okay, long story short ... I may have dropped a few hints in my posts over the last few days. I'm a hobby dev and more or less have started remaking Crusader in Unity. One of *those* projects ... maybe. Probably. Ah I need something to do anyway.
Times have changed since the old days. Game development is easier than ever with engines like Unity & Unreal. I've been at it for ... maybe 5-6 years now. So not starting at zero, but I'm no pro. So while looking for a new project to occupy my free time I thought ... why not Crusader?
I've started with remaking the intro about 2 weeks back, after the upscaling try. I have the basic layout of the sewer area with the original camera positions. Of course the rat is there! I want to keep it as close to the original scenes as possible. The lighting will be different. We have evolved! It will be realtime rendered in Unity. Keeping even the same strange widescreen layout to keep the same environment elements in view. Well, I slighty cheated and added a bit of height to make it a standardized 21:9 aspect ratio. Resolution? The sky is the limit! Well my graphics card ... let's see if I can do 4k.
The important part? The Silencers of course. The base model is pretty much done. I may have dropped a little animation around here

But I'm not quite happy yet. A buddy is helping me to tweak the model right now. Still need to make models of the thigh holster. But here I might take a shortcut. Backpack, holster and helmet light won't be as accurate. Since I'm working on it more or less alone, I will take some premade models that fit the style and are as close to the original as possible. Same for the weapons. So while I should take my references the rendered pics in the guides ... I will look more at the lowpoly ingame version of the gear and will interpret it creatively
Oh and the bot from the intro isn't "exactly" the same too sadly. Though I did remodel the camera array in front. See my dropped screenshot.
But thats more or less a "sidequest" and got not that much priority. Mainly because getting the lighting correct and awesome is totally painful.
The actual game part ... okay thats way more interesting. I will probably do a complete writeup about my ideas and goals. But right now its like this:
- Silencer model almost done
- Started on recreating the ingame poses and animations (Silencer only right now)
- Will keep it at isometric view (with zoom) but basically fully 3D. Camera turn could be nice as an addition.
- I want to keep it as open source as possible. There will be some proprietary stuff out of neccessity. Can't do everything on my own. Need to buy and/or license assets.
- Current goal is to get the basic character controller replicated and a dumb demo level to test everything out with the correct animations. Tweaks to the controls and modernizing it can be tackled from there on. Bonus: Easy switch between original and modernized controlls.
- Adding 2-3 weapons. And thats about the state in which I can abandon the project without any worries ... uhm. Well at least a state on which others can build on, if I really loose interest. Worst case so to speak.
- Big big questions ... how to keep it close to the original and nto get sued into oblivion? I mean, we ARE speaking of EA here. Yeah, no idea on how to approach that yet. For now let's call it ... fair use? Yeah, fair use sounds good .... any ideas on that appreciated. *Any* input to anything appreciated.
Uhm yeah ... yeah, more better write up is following. I'm better at development than documentation.