HL2:Regret Logo


New member
Here is the logo file, which will be used as watermark on our public screenshots as well as promo logo of our mod.
This logo is using our website's style and... ohh well... copied directly from it.

*.PSD file is password protected. The password is my password for Jupix's repository. It is done so, that this logo could be available only to our team and not to 3rd party.

The file features two types of logo. Big one and small one. Everything in seperate groups for easier embeding into images. If everyone agrees, this logo should be our official logo.


P.S. Goku, what was the name ofthe guy, who stylised WEC emblem. We should mention him in our contributors section.
Please elaborate? Personally I think it's quite handsome, even if I do say so myself...

It must be simple, compact and easily scaled to even small sizes without losing legibility, which pretty much defines its shape.
Hm, try to put the "Half Life 2" above or beneath the "Regret".

Maybe like this:

R  E  G  R  E  T
Half <Logo> Life 2
I'll work today on it, will try to offer my version for judgement.

As for the name... hmmm I do not know.

Maybe we should name it "Regret"?

As it Total Conversion of HL2, maybe this could be the case, it's like with many other Total conversion mods. They are using stand-alone name. And in discription they add that it's HL2 TC. But it's up to Jupix to decide as he is the project leader.
Well after several hours of struggle - about 10 styles were tested.

And after pondering upon all situation I came into conclusion that using website's logo isn't right. After all it's Echo Sector's logo and not even No Regret logo. It's stylised WEC logo, which has no sense for the mod IMHO.

Our mod is a seperate game, total conversion (TC) of half life. Thus after designing battle with my mind I think we should aim for the folowwing style as shown on the picture:


This logo is perfectly resized up to 5% of it's original size and remains very readable, which is very good for using it in many applications. Either it's watermark for images or referense image for applying it into your T-shirt. In any case this logo rests within HL2 style and frame, but gives us our own feel. Pretty easy, recognisable and easy to remember. And as for me, looks stylish enough to be LOGO.

So your comments guys?
The problem is, it's not the Half-Life universe, it's Crusader. I understand why you put Half-Life 2 in the title (since it's the game you're modifying), but it makes no sense to call it Half-Life: Regret.

It'd be like calling Half-Life 1, Quake II Half-Life.
Cyberion link said:
I like this...love the 3d effect of the WEC logo..

Jupix link said:
This looks really nice..compact and nice placing of WEC logo. But something about 'half' and 'life2' makes it look like they are connected and kind of difficult to differentiate at a quick glance. Increasing the spacing between them might help.

Cyberion link said:
This is awesome..though it might be a rip-off of hl2 logo :p, it looks and matches nicely.
It does need a few touch-ups...it looks like a circle drawn and filled with a gradient..which does look like a mash-up job (the pic must be just a preview/style of what to follow).
Smooth, fading edges and/or a single solid colour and other shades/variations of red/black/white(and other appropriate colours) will help.
This logo could be used as a smaller logo or a thumbnail logo (lol)
The other two could be used a full/complete logo
In hl2 there are 2 logos, one with the lambda only and the other: half life with 'a' as a 'lambda'

Keenan Weaver link said:
The problem is, it's not the Half-Life universe, it's Crusader. I understand why you put Half-Life 2 in the title (since it's the game you're modifying), but it makes no sense to call it Half-Life: Regret.

It'd be like calling Half-Life 1, Quake II Half-Life.
It is something about rights, am not sure..remembering reading about it in one of Cyberion's post...
OK, first up, the name.

First, it was Half-Life 2: Regret. Then I renamed it to Regret. Now I'm renaming it back to Half-Life 2: Regret.

The logic behind that is as follows.

- The name of the mod is Regret because referring in any way to No Regret, Crusader or such would infringe on EA IP and I don't want to touch their IP with a ten feet stick. Even if I don't live in the lawsuit-happy US.
- The name is prefixed with Half-Life 2 because people who've never heard of the mod need to know they need a copy of Half-Life 2 to play this. It's got nothing to do with what universe the game is set in. The name is purely technical and I will still nickname the mod Regret.
- Valve has not shot down mod teams prefixing HL2 mod names with their trademark, Half-Life 2. They have shot down mods with ": Source" in their name. This is why it's not called Regret: Source.

Hence we have Half-Life 2: Regret.

Now, the logo.

For above reasons, Cyb's logo immediately goes right out the window. Sorry. We just can't use it, it would be way too big of a "fuck you, we don't care" to the legal team at Valve. Until we have a few million in the bank, we can't afford that.

But in addition to that, it does have some design issues too. The R is situated in an unbalanced spot, it's like it's leaning to the bottom right. Easy to fix.

Another issue: What does TC mean? I have no idea. (After reading your earlier post I gather it means Total Conversion. Guess what Average Joe would think when he saw that acronym?)

Issues with the current logo that I drew:

something about 'half' and 'life2' makes it look like they are connected and kind of difficult to differentiate at a quick glance.

I went for that effect deliberately. Sorry you don't like it.

after pondering upon all situation I came into conclusion that using website's logo isn't right. After all it's Echo Sector's logo and not even No Regret logo. It's stylised WEC logo, which has no sense for the mod IMHO.

It makes two kinds of sense to me:

- This website = the mod basically. You'd think you would be glad I'm branding the mod in such a way.
- WEC exists inside the Crusader universe. It's the main entity within the game. I don't see how that's irrelevant. The only logo image more relevant to the game would be the Silencer, and again I'm getting all jittery thinking about lawsuits.

Cyberion, I'm sorry you feel my logo is inadequate. But that's what we're going to go forward with, unless you prohibit the use of the Echo Sector logo, which you most certainly can, assuming you own the rights to that specific piece.

This post may unintentionally convey some hostility towards some people. I assure you, the hostility in me is towards IP laws, not you.

Let's get back to making a fun mod, shall we?
Actually, the logo that's at the top of the site is the LMC logo from No Regret.
Actually I like your logo (like I said before) :)
It was just the 'half' and 'life2'...but now after rolling the image around in my head...it does have a unique look/feel :)

hmm...like you said R:TC might have rights issue...sigh it would look nice with touchups
dammned rights :p
R:TC will never have any issues with rights as well as hl2: regret.

However it's common practice for total conversions (TC) to use stand alone name.
What about combining the WEC logo with the HL style Logo? Instead of the R.
I presonally like, that everything which has something to do with HL2 has its logo style