L Lt.JC New member Apr 21, 2007 #1 I hope thats right. At least the site says it so ;D So happy birthday mate
Cyberion New member Apr 21, 2007 #2 Happy birthday ROBO!!! I wish you all the best, may all your dreams come true!
Robotophe Member Apr 22, 2007 #4 Thanks to all of you, guys ! My wife made a delicious cake yesterday ! Too bad that you can't enjoy it ! Maybe, one day, I'll be able to send you a part of it by Internet !
Thanks to all of you, guys ! My wife made a delicious cake yesterday ! Too bad that you can't enjoy it ! Maybe, one day, I'll be able to send you a part of it by Internet !
The Silencer Member Apr 23, 2007 #7 Or the boobytrapped one in No Regret (I believe at the end of mission 8 where you are after the supposed nerve-gas supply). Anyway, belated happy birthday
Or the boobytrapped one in No Regret (I believe at the end of mission 8 where you are after the supposed nerve-gas supply). Anyway, belated happy birthday