Half-Life 2: Regret Mod


New member
When I was browsing around the Internet and looking for some modeling information and game design materials I accidentally found a very interesting information on a "Regret" Crusader mod for Half-Life 2. Here is the link, so you may read more about the project itself.

Here is what the creator of the mod, Jupix, says:
The mod Regret, as it is called at this very early stage in development, is a crude Source adaptation of the 90s shooter game Crusader: No Regret. It attempts to recreate as accurately as possible the map design, weapons, models and gameplay of the original game while transferring it from 2?D to 3D. Development of the mod started in December, 2006 and is progressing slowly.

    * Based on the latest version of Source
    * Parallax mapped textures
    * Will probably use VGUI2 for mission briefings and other ingame interaction
    * Will attempt to recreate the original game's remote controlled Servomechs, weapons, Spider Bombs and surveillance equipment

It would be very nice if we can contact the author, maybe we can assist him in some way, because it seems 1 more Crusader Fan is unaware of Echo Sector existence, otherwise he would be here already.

-Cyberion :silencer:​
Very interesting. I wanted to do the same some years ago for Halflife 1, but didn't get much help. I was more of getting warnings that I should not do something EA wouldn't like  :p

However I sent him an E-mail that he could check out this site here because I think we all are interested in seeing how this project is going  :)
yape :D I also sent him email letting him know that he can join our portal for the needed support.

As for EA, I think that they won't be against the mod. More than this if this mod is done and becomes popular, they might consider making another game in Crusader universe. Wouldn't you love it lol?
Of course that would be very good. EA should consider making another crusader game regardless of this mod becomes popular or not  :)
Hi guys  :) ,

it seems 1 more Crusader Fan is unaware of Echo Sector existence, otherwise he would be here already

Indeed I was! And here I am now..

First off, I want to thank Cyberion and JC for their e-mails, without the heads up I would've never known there was someone interested in my stuff!

Second, I want to thank the rest of you for your positive response to Cyberion's news item, there hasn't been much public interest for Regret until now, and it's brilliant to finally see people curious about the concept of a 3D Crusader.

About the project -- if you read the WDC article carefully, you may have spotted the link to this page. It's basically a project page, and contains most of the material I've finished so far. (It's also half Finnish, sorry about that.)

As you can see, there's not much there. Only the first room, a couple of materials and a few models. The project has been pretty much frozen since February, as there was just no sense in devoting time to map for a mod with no material&model content. That's where I need help, badly. I need models, textures, and most of all, more people. This is because I personally cannot do modelling. I haven't got the skills, nor the software.

The rest I'm quite capable of doing. I've mapped in Source for over a year now and sufficiently know my way around the engine. I'm also an experienced webmaster (which could come handy in the future).

Anyway -- enough rambling. I just wanted to drop in and give you the status of the project. I hope there's someone out there reading who's got the skills and the interest to help me out. I'd very much like to continue working on Regret, but currently it's not feasible. If the project was to go forward, I'm sure the end result would be wonderful. I love Crusader, and I think it has a lot of potential for a successful SP HL2 mod. Naturally, it will be, and remain, completely free.
Hey Jupix!

First of all... Welcome! We love seeing Crusader fans come here. I hope you have fun being here!

Second of all... THANK YOU for working on this project. I always always always wanted to do a HL2 Crusader mod, but never got around to doing it. I think it would be a great product once it's finished.

Also, I'm sure there are plenty of people here who are willing and have the skills to help you. Cyberion is an excellent 3D modeler... he could help on that.

I have a question though, do you know how the cutscenes would work out in the mod?

Hope you enjoy your stay!
Hi Keenan,

About cutscenes -- I really have no precise idea, as of yet. That's because I only have Crusader as a dosbox installation, and it refuses to play cutscenes altogether. The last time I saw Crusader cutscenes was in my early childhood!

However, in terms of storytelling and player briefing in general, at least something is possible with the Source VGUI. It can also be used for all the computers, security camera viewers etc. found in the game world. VGUI is basically a rudimentary browser window inside the game.

There's also the possibility of using Source for ingame movies, but that is currently out of my league as it requires quite a skilled Hammer haxor and very complicated models to pull off.
welcome Jupix, glad to see one more Crusader fan under Echo Sector's flag ;)

Thx for the warm words in my modeling skills Goku, but I'm so busy recently that I can barely find time to update Echo Sector lol.

However I might be able to help on creating simple objects. Like boxes, computers, terminals, well all kind of small items in the game. So called entities. However I fear that I won't have time to put something into texturing. Cause I hate texturing actually and it always takes me twice more time to texture a model rather than create it lol. So in this case, we will need a texturer for my models.

Btw I work in Lightwave and as far as I know, there is importer of LWO files into the source engine. I guess you should know more about it anyway. I just know that it exists, although do not have the link. So this part (model importing) isn't a problem here hopefully.

But of course many things need to be discussed...
Ah looks like he found the way to echo sector  :D

What I wanted to ask you Jupix is, how do you imagined this mod anyway?

Do you wanted to make a simple mappack with custom models and sounds or do you wanted to make a real mod with all custom code and new enemies and such?

Because if you want to do the second then it would be a very hard task, alone by the fact that you first have to find people that can do modelling, coding, skinning, scripting and what else.

I am currently in the same problems of finding.."personnel" for my project even if I could impress them a bit with the idea  :)
I'm an okay sound editor... I can probably enhance all the original sounds from No Regret and make them more modern.
Cyberion link said:
However I might be able to help on creating simple objects. Like boxes, computers, terminals, well all kind of small items in the game. So called entities.

Sure, those are precisely what I currently don't have. :) It would be awesome if you could model some of those.

I just updated the project page. I translated the page to English for you guys, but more importantly, for all the modeling wizards I added a list of props I am going to need to make a somewhat working Hammer mockup of the starting room. Some of the props listed in there are quite simple shapes, so they should only take a moment for those who know what they're doing.. :)

There's naturally the matter of collision detection and other minutiae to work out but I'd rather hear specifically what info you (not Cyberion personally, potential modellers in general) need from me than try and have a go at blindly explaining it all.

However I fear that I won't have time to put something into texturing. Cause I hate texturing actually and it always takes me twice more time to texture a model rather than create it lol. So in this case, we will need a texturer for my models.

I wonder if Blender can import Lightwave models? And I also wonder if it would be easy enough for me to do. :D

I quite like texturing, it's... pretty. It's just me, probably.

Btw I work in Lightwave and as far as I know, there is importer of LWO files into the source engine.

I'll get back to you on that. But I'm absolutely positive Lightwave can export at least some filetype supported by the Source model importer.

What I wanted to ask you Jupix is, how do you imagined this mod anyway?

Do you wanted to make a simple mappack with custom models and sounds or do you wanted to make a real mod with all custom code and new enemies and such?

In my (somewhat limited) experience, there is hardly any difference between the two. Currently, Regret as a Source mod is as real as it gets, it was compiled from a bulk of C++ Steam spat out. All that can be tinkered with to add features but as of now, it's just vanilla HL2 base.

So far everything has been easy, modding Half-Life 2 is well documented. I have a feeling modeling will work out from now on. :) As for coding and scripting, that remains a question, but I'm confident someone with the necessary skills will stumble upon Regret before long.

I'm an okay sound editor... I can probably enhance all the original sounds from No Regret and make them more modern.

Sounds very cool. :) On this front, the first thing that should be done I guess is sound effects for player interaction, meaning doors, switches, elevators, and the like.

On another note, have you guys all got a copy of Half-Life 2? Because otherwise it would be kind of difficult to show off what we've accomplished, in the future. :D

Thanks for your continued interest :)
Yape, I have HL2. More than that I play CS:Source quite often with my clan. So far occupy 8th place in russian statistics among clans hehehe.

as for the models. Units in hammer, how big is it in Lightwave? I use m (meter) and cm. (metric system)  Could you please clarify this to me?

P.S. however I know that it's possible to resize objects in Hammer anyway. But having the correct sizes from the begining would be much easier for you to import them.
well made some crates. Here is an image to show off ;)


It may seem that the crates is quite easy to do, however if you want them look good and be low on polygons - that's where you have to think hehehe. I guess they look ok.

EDIT: 2 hours since the first screenshot and here is the result (lol texturing took most of it):

Cyberion, those look awesome. :)

1 Hammer unit equals 1 inch. Also, about the filetype, the Source model importer imports .smd files so that's what you have to save models as. Check this out

Anyway, as far as scaling, I can't for the life of me recall how we previously went about it, so I'll have to get back to you on that. However I'm quite certain if you model according to the 1 unit = 1 inch rule, no additional scaling is needed.

(Also... If we are to go forward with this... Should we split off the development posts? To "Modding", perhaps? :p)
Sure bro, go ahead and create the topic under Fan Creations. We shall continue the discussion there.

So 1 unit = 2.5cm ok than.
Cyberion link said:
Sure bro, go ahead and create the topic under Fan Creations. We shall continue the discussion there.

But shouldn't you have moderator tools for that? ;)
lol mate it's your mod. I can make it sticky or something. You have to write what it is and what you need and what you aim for. Let's keep everything under 1 topic in fan creation first, than we will see how it goes. Maybe we will need a separate forum for this project hehehe ;)
ok bro I tried to export the last (barrel) model to SMD format. That's the one from the link that you gave me. Here is the link, try it, does it work? And if it works, please show the screenshot.
