Today is a very big day not just for Echo Sector, but for Crusader fans in general. Today we unveil a new section of the site that contains very rare documents directly from the hands of the geniuses of Electronic Arts and Origin Systems, Inc. These documents contain scripts, engine descriptions, cutscenes scripts, and much, much more. You will be able to read some of the ideas that EA had planned for the future of Crusader. I (Keenan Weaver) received these documents from an undisclosed source many months ago, and I've had plenty of time to read through these Holy Grails; it is fantastic.
Here is a list of changes:
[*] Added two new sections. "Design Docs" and "Scripts" under Papers bar. There you will find never published documents for inner usage. Screenplays of Crusader videos, scripts for storyline, design documents of Crusader engine and many other things. Just go there and check it out!
[*] Added one more new section - "Contact and About" under DataLink bar. Contact and About is not that interesting, just some contact information and general information about the portal. However it worth mentioning.
[*] JavaScript, which made it possible to fade out the images, so they will be only 30% visible. We implemented this script into our Military Forces section. (Previously when you were reading the WEC Forces' descriptions or ServoMech's or APP's you could be distracted by multiple animation of every item. Like all WEC Forces' guys were animated, which looked cool, but in mass looked bad. So thanks to that script we made them to fade out and now they do not distract your eye. In order for them to appear in full color and visibility you need to put a mouse cursor over the image and it will smoothly gain color).
[*] Fixed profile.php error when you tried to login into your Profile.
Today is a good day,
-Keenan Weaver
-Keenan Weaver