Crusader: No Hope 3D?


New member
Hello guys. Recently we all discussed the possibility of making Crusader into 3D with all modern features like newton physics, dynamic lightning, etc...

For that case we do nto need to develop a whole new engine. there are multiple free engines already available. And I must say pretty good ones.

Those are 3 main top class game engines. To start the development of Crusader 3D that's all you need. However that's not all our team needs. Those are engines, and it means taht you ahve to know C++ programming to operate them like anyother game engine.

Unfortunately our team lacks a good programmer to help in development. I myself a modeller and designer. I love to modle and create betiful 3D objects and maps. Do some video rendering, but i'm in no way a programmer and i do nto know any of programming languages. even PHP in which I code our portal is unknown to me. I read tutorials and some documents, learn and than code.
Basicaly if we had someone familiar enough with programming we could easily start the development of our very own Crusader 3D, because we have everything else.

Ohh and you may ask about Crusader: No Hope that is in development right now. It's a pity but i'm really tired of the project. I'm tired coding, modeling, writing, drawing, bug fixing, etc.. alone. I just lack time to do it right. I do not satisfied with the quality. However this project helped me and goku to know alot about game development. Personaly I think we are capable of undertaking a big project. Modern project. Crusader is action game, not an adventure. And I believe we should make it good looking action game.

Basicaly I'll list here what needs to start the development:

- programmer good in C++
- object modeler
- character modeler
- writer
- musician
- coordinator and designer
- a decent Game Engine

Now here what we have and what we don't:

- programmer good in C++
- object modeler (Cyberion)
- character modeler
- writer (Goku, Shadowen)
- musician (emuka)
- coordinator and designer (Cyberion)
- a decent Game Engine Listed the possible game engine platforms at the start of this post

So the question is - who is good at C++ programming. And who is good at character modeling. As for char modeling this isn't a real problem actualy. But as for pragrammer - we need it badly. Who is willing to work and contirbute to Crusader 3D? Who are you?

I want to do this project, I want it badly. I want to model the maps and objects for the game. I want to coordinate and I want to make Crusader 3D into life. But i'll need help. So those of you who knows how to programme, come here, tell me taht you are the one who want to work on the project with us.
Yeah, I'll write. I'll also do any character voice acting if we need it. (Of course we will, it's a Crusader game.)
I do hope you find someone willing to help out on the coding part. Because its very hard to find someone who has coding abilitys.

Some time ago (2 years or so) I searched for a mod team to do a remake of crusader in 3D. But i only got answers that EA will "0wn" me and that I should rethink about the Idea.

I personally really want to see Crusader 3D but on the other hand, what they said to me in the forums made me think about my own project and story.

I had now much time to think about a project that is not crusader but it is inspired by it. Story wise it will be kinda similar to that of crusader. And I thought a long time about how I do the gameplay side. It will be a 3rd/first person shooter but with a completely different attempt on how the player handels the fights. I cant explain that right now but if the time is right...I am searching again for a team to help me out on this one and just wanted to let you know that a big Fan of crusader is willing to make a game that is based on the old action style that crusader had  ;)

However good luck with your search for a programmer.
Cyberion link said:
Ohh and you may ask about Crusader: No Hope that is in development right now. It's a pity but i'm really tired of the project. I'm tired coding, modeling, writing, drawing, bug fixing, etc.. alone. I just lack time to do it right. I do not satisfied with the quality. However this project helped me and goku to know alot about game development. Personaly I think we are capable of undertaking a big project. Modern project. Crusader is action game, not an adventure. And I believe we should make it good looking action game.

I'm a little disappointed because I love adventure games... But if you're tired of the project, you're right to change it !
Good luck to complete the team !
I'm not saying that Crusader Adventure is abandoned, but I put it on a loooooong hold till better times.
I could probably help out with this, not usre in what area exactly, I'm not a code monkey so no help there sorry. I've done stacks of modding ranging from basic graphics to hex editing files and general jack of all trades master of none.

If you need grunt work done I could probably help, one of these days I'll finish those tutorials on modeling so I actaully create new 3D art, but I've been busy saving the world again lately (playing games).

I know a few good modders as well, but most of them are busy modding Fallout 2.
Hi all !

I've been quite busy recently, so fresh me up a bit. Is the current No Hope project abandoned, or is it on pending, or are you thinking about getting on 3D ?

I code at c++ at work, but there is NO WAY I'm doing it after 8 hours some more - there is no amount of money to make me ( ok, actually there is ... :p ).
I'll ask around, but probably I won't find anyone.

By the way ... if the project remains - could I finally get a frikkin' test build ???
yay EMUKA! Missed you dude!

Sorry, i have compiled the build. Sent you the link on your gmail.

And as for Crusader 3D. Stating from today, I began learning Source SDK, got some Modding HL2 books and similar stuff. I see taht if I won't start doing something, nothing will move. So I want official tell you guys, those of you that what to join me in learning Source SDK in order to use Source Engine to build our Crusader 3D game are welcomed to join me.

I know nothing about Source SDK, so it will take me some time. So if you wish to join and start learning it with me from scratch, it will be the best time. Go real Source SDK Wiki, begin doing tutorials, etc... that way in some time we will be capable of starting the production. Let me know, who is willing to dedicate few hours per week (about 3-4 hours per week) to work on the project? Write your answers here please.

I'll describute the tasks, and I'll try to make it so that you get the task you like ;) But we need to start otherwise it will be forever "Let's talk" issue. Come on people, WAKE UP!!!
lol spent all day learning Hammer (Source Level Editor) - and I must say that to make a simple tunnel was a very complicated stuff for me :(... heh I hate those editors, they are just so stupid!!! The best editor taht ever existed was BUILD. The one on which Blood, Shadow Warrior and Duke Nukem 3D was written. It was created by Ken Silverman. Jeez... we need to hire that guy... otherwise i'm really frustrated on how to handle all this programming, level modeling stuff :( I prefer to make graphics and models :(
Well, it's been one of my goals to actaully learn how to make 3D Models and animate them, I've been playing around for a while now, but I've got some good tutorials now and I'll start to work through them. Once I've done that I'll start to *Try* and model the mechs/robots. I figure robots are a bit easier to model then the people :)
It's a nice idea: create a Crusader 3D.

I'm a programmer, but for web applications.

I'm now looking how create games with Microsoft's XNA. For now, I'll get the game programmer base. Later, may be, i'd could help us, but not for this time because i'm learning how, hahaha.

I'll still reading us and how are you advance in this project, guys :).
I jsut downloaded a free game engine, which have all needed libraries for the game production.

irrlicht -

I studied it a bit, read the reviews and checked it and I must say - THAT'S WHAT WE WANT!!! Now it's time to find the one who is willing to study the programming libraries there ;) Akira, wonna try?
I'm doing testings with the Engine, and looks great :). It's my first contact to a Game Engine too, hehe.

I'm looking its documentation and it can be implemented with C# (.net), and this option sounds good because I did the MCAD for C#.

For now, I'll try use the XNA with this engine, and see if I can do something with these two together, and learning how develop within.

For tests and learning, maybe I'll try to do some port of the old Crusaders, first level of the No Remorse, for example, and try to do something with 3D later.
Cyberion link said:
I jsut downloaded a free game engine, which have all needed libraries for the game production.

irrlicht -

I studied it a bit, read the reviews and checked it and I must say - THAT'S WHAT WE WANT!!! Now it's time to find the one who is willing to study the programming libraries there ;) Akira, wonna try?

Sorry my interruption, but does 3d game studio obsolete (I mean old)?, this engine is better? because 3d game studio uses C++ too or C# script, I think I'm confused and outdated. I'm checking it. This is may be I need too because 3d game studio uses too much spheres and polygons and I need something more usefull.
Has there been any more progress on this? Maybe we could push through a quick and dirty tech demo of some kind to drum up interest. I could try and make a couple of models for it, just enough that we can see a siliencer walk around and shoot stuff.