an offer to Bboy


New member
Hello m8!

I had a question to you and an offer to make.

From all your amazing sprite creations and your high-skills in pixel art I came to an idea on developing our own Crusader-style smiles.

Would you like to create a set of Crusader smiles for a free use on the forums and if you wish (of course only if you allow) we may host your package for download for others, who may find a great use of Crusader-smiles.

Personaly i would like to see the smiles for the following emotions:
:) - smile
;) - wink
:( - sad
8) cool
:P - tongue
lol - self-explanatory heheehe
:D - wide smile
:| - angry
o_0 - amazed

they can be animated or static, just do what you want and how you want it. The only requirement is that they should be in red color or something like that. Maybe using a whole figurine of Silencer in different postures to express the emotion. I do not know, just develop the possibilities. Of course if you have time and will. So what would you say bro?
Aw thanks. My work isn't really good. That's a really awesome idea for forum emotions. These are very bad works of crusader emotions. I recreated a new silencer sprite and replaced the head with a smiley :).


ohhhh yes man, this looks fantastic, keep it on! When you are done, i'll immidiately update our smileys :D yay!
If I may make a suggestion, have him doing something or in a status where the emoticon is justified.  For example, he might be firing a weapon if happy.  Or his body might be lying on the ground, several feet from his head, when he's sad.
Bboy Silencer link said:
Just something I did for practice yesterday.


In general I do not like boys... but hey, I love you man! hehehe Good work. If this animation means that you are not very good at animating sprites as you told as before... well than I have no words lol...
Sorry to double post, I've updated the emoticons here. I've done a new sprite also and made them into different variations. Pick one you like or you can edit them to how you like.

hehe man, those are cool. May you give me Photoshop file, so I can easily seperate them into different images?
No no, I did all these in ms paint. You can just save target as a bmp and put each head into a transparent gif file. I'll probably make more emotions if you like :D. They don't take that long to make these since they are small.
woha really? You work in MS paint? I'm surprised bro. Good Job.

Ok i'll seperate them manualy, will take longer, but that's ok. Great work anyway mate!
Bro I would recommend you start using Gale -

It's the best pixel art program you can find there. Easy as MS Paint and offers great tools for pixel artists. It will take you only 1-20 seconds to figure out how to work there. In free version you have all tools, except you can't save animated gifs. That's the only restriction. But I guess animation can be saved in other programs. I'm using it for drawing some pixel buildings and would strongly recommend you using it, your skills will be boosted incredibly.

btw this one is made in Pixel Gale
Thanks man. Dang I haven't used gale in a long time. I once had the trial that had the gif conversion option. It ended and I started using the free one back then.  You're a pixel artist also? That's pretty damn good. 
well better say i'm a designer. I'm doing a little of everything. Not good at pixel art if it goes for characters. but simple buildings in isometric style or some items I can do, yes.

I'm more 3D modeler, but haven't model anything in a long time right now.

here you can see some of my Wing Commander wallpapers that I did back in 2005 2006. Looks for the artist named Cyberion.
I am not a good pixel artist either. You don't have to have good paint programs to make good pixel art hehe. I've seen a lot of pixel artists who use ms paint can also make masterpieces. The ability to create really great pixel art lies in the artist him/herself. I haven't quite found my style yet. I'll work on that :D.