It's simple, in fact ! 
Copy the content of No Remorse CD on your HDD and mount the repertory as CD-ROM drive in DOSBox. Now, replace the intro movie (in the FLICS repertory) by another and run the game in DOSBox ! If all is OK, you'll see the movie of your choice on the place of the intro movie !...
I'll edit this message later to write the name of the intro movie : I'm at work and I haven't my CD-ROM with me !
EDIT : Here the name of the intro movie file -> T02.AVI
Obviously, I advise you to backup original movie file rather delete it ! ;D
Copy the content of No Remorse CD on your HDD and mount the repertory as CD-ROM drive in DOSBox. Now, replace the intro movie (in the FLICS repertory) by another and run the game in DOSBox ! If all is OK, you'll see the movie of your choice on the place of the intro movie !...
I'll edit this message later to write the name of the intro movie : I'm at work and I haven't my CD-ROM with me !
EDIT : Here the name of the intro movie file -> T02.AVI
Obviously, I advise you to backup original movie file rather delete it ! ;D