3rd Anniversary


New member

It's been 3 years already since Echo Sector is up and running. 3 years, can you believe that? And still we differ a lot from any other game community. We are not big, but we grow from day to day, we are not too active, due to the fact that the last Crusader was published 10 years ago, so not many people are interested in Crusader games. Mostly vets.
However we have very strong user database. So far only here I've seen people, who are very talented and Crusader obsessed. Take for example Shadowen? The ultimate writer, he could write a whole Crusader novel and it will be a best-seller. Bboy? Amazing pixel artist. CrusaderManiac? another obsessed Crusader fan with the head full of ideas. daedalus777? The one who if keeps doing his image guides on Crusader secrets will become our ultimate walkthrougher. And many other users that always are happy and ready to talk about any aspect of Crusader. Let's keep it that way, let's stay united and friendly as we always were.

Not only me or Keenan are Echo Sector, we are only technicians. Echo Sector is all of you. You make it what it is. Let's keep it that way, join us in our celebration.


P.S. was going to make some huge portal updates for our Anniversary, but unfortunately didn't have time. Real life, real life... I'll try to keep working on them.
Although this is not my first time on Echo Sector, you finally made me register by posting an update about your special anniversary. HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND BEST WISHES TO YOU, DEAR ECHO SECTOR! Thanks for keeping an excellent series alive, it's nice of you to interconnect people with the same diagnosis (Crusaderitis vulgaris).

Tomas, Slovak Republic
...and yes, an update would be something we would love. For example that 'Official Docs' section in the bottom left of the webpage looks very intriguing...  ::)
yape, it's manuals, reference guides, walkthrough guides. Every document that was officialy published. Including even readme.txt files ;)

I have most of them done in pdf format. Just need a bit more time to polish everything up.

And thx for the support Tomas :D
I'm really happy, thanks my friends, I love these games and these site, I'm getting really adapted to the site and really interesting Ideas from many members, it's really good to comunicate and share ideas and postings, I'm going to post soon as posible, more images and screenshots of my proyect and files too, I've just started the guide and scripts for this incredible stuff. :) Thanks and happy Anniversary of thiese games and sites. ::)
Wow three years? Thats very cool, I didn't know how long this site existed already.

Happy Anniversary Echo Sector!  ;)
I remember when I first wanted to make a Crusader website... I was young and naive.

Then we made Echo Sector... I was young and naive.

Now look at us... I am young and naive.

For my own humiliation, take a look at a site I made with Geocities about four years ago... and the young and naive age of 14.


It makes me laugh reading that. :)
Well if it was a first attempt for a website its pretty...good you know.

My first site didn't even work ;D
Wow, all I can say is well done lads... this place is a credit to you. And if another Crusader game gets made (and let's all hope it does!) it'll be due to you. Without your work here, Crusader would be just a memory for me and many others. Thank you Sir Weaver and Mr. Cyberion!
Thanks a lot! I think a new Crusader game would be perfect in today's new graphics and physics world. It would be a great game to play!
thx guys, your words warm the heart.

Btw does anyone have a screenshot of the portal before crash, how it looked like before that happened? I was thinking to start a history page, publish how site looks like every year. I have 1st screeny, I do not have 2nd one (the one before crash) and obviously I have the screenshot of our current design :D
btw I started uploading Official documents. The ones I have at least. Might need some help from Goku, but it's out troubles do not worry guys. Anyway I started uploading some official docs and also decided not to wait for the update about those docs and did the smiles right now. Now you are able to use all new smiles created by Bboy :D Enjoy people!

:silencer: May the silencer be with you...
I actually do not have a screenshot of the site before the crash. I have ones of the very first version of the site.

To be honest, I can't even really remember what the 2nd version of the site looked like.

Well, here's the second version of the site:


Too bad its lost all of its color.
ohh Goku nice find. Ya too bad it didn't keep the style. Only text and formating. But still it's something, instead of nothing.

btw guys, just to clear some things to you, cause Goku asked them recently and I though It's important. If you look at the very bottom of our webby you will see "Echo Sector ? 2005-2007". So here comes the question 3 years or 2 years?

Officially the website itself is online for 2 years only, but the idea of making the portal, first approaches in this venture were done 1 year before the portal went live. 1 year before we launched our 1st version of Echo Sector Goku talked to me about the idea of having Crusader portal. Since that time we discussed the possibilities. It was a slow discussion, it took a lot of time, cause we met rarely online due to the timezones. We talked about what we would like to see on the portal. Well mostly Goku talked lol, cause all materials that we have are provided by this maniac :p So finally after almost a year of discussion we decided that Goku will take on paper stuff (like news, documents, etc...) and I will take on a graphical and design stuff. Of course we were not professionals and we are not them now, but we knew what we did and we tried to do it the best way we could. Our first portal didn't look ehhmm... cool. It was so-so hehehehe. But we kept on working and after some time I presented Goku with our second version, which was accepted with the final word of: "OMFG". I guess it was good critics. It was great improvement to our 1st version, but of course not the best one. Eventualy I started to realize that 2nd version isn't capable of providing some needed functions that we wanted.
It was very hard to code in and wasn't very flexible.
And than there was a crash, lol... so it was a pity of course, a lot of information was lost, which we have republished only by 85% right now (latest portal version as of now 0.85 so easy to understand what it means hehehe). Hopefully forum's database was saved by me 2 days prior the crash. It was great luck that we didn't lose all our topics. Now we had the opportunity to move to a new system, which may meet our needs and so we did. Now we are using version 3 of our Echo Sector portal. Which keeps improving.

I'm not sure if you guys like the design and feel, but we tried to make it as close to Crusader feel as it is possible for the web portal. hehehe.

Well, this concludes my short history story  8)