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  1. Desert-Mammoth

    Porting levels to 3D quake/goldsrc map format trivial?

    By all that is holy, my friend, you are truly doing God's work. The Silencer will rise again, and you will be his herald. I'm going to spend the rest of my day giggling like a school girl, thanks for bringing some sun.
  2. Desert-Mammoth

    Porting levels to 3D quake/goldsrc map format trivial?

    Yeah you're probably right, going back to your earlier posts I think its definitely a viable engine for a Crusader continuation. If you're able to autotranslate the crusader maps then you could probably rebuild the game with more polished features, additional weapons and enemies and extended...
  3. Desert-Mammoth

    Porting levels to 3D quake/goldsrc map format trivial?

    I know GZDoom is an incredibly powerful tool in the right hands, and you are certainly working some wonders over there, but I can't shake that uncanny valley type feeling its giving me. Maybe its the 2.5Dness of it all. I'd be very interested to see how you're able to make it all look when all...
  4. Desert-Mammoth

    Yo, where's the community Discord at?

    Yo, where's the community Discord at?
  5. Desert-Mammoth

    Porting levels to 3D quake/goldsrc map format trivial?

    What do you guys reckon would be the best engine for creating a continuation of Crusader?
  6. Desert-Mammoth

    Crusader: No Remorse in Ancient Warfare 3

    Thanks guys! It's gotten a bunch of people interested in Crusader, with some copycat works popping up. Time to grow my cult! Haha
  7. Desert-Mammoth

    Crusader: No Remorse in Ancient Warfare 3

    First place! Crusader reigns supreme!
  8. Desert-Mammoth

    Competition judging is live. 84 entries and one judge, could be a long time before CRUSADER...

    Competition judging is live. 84 entries and one judge, could be a long time before CRUSADER comes on that I'm not even sure I'll be able to watch it. Fingers crossed I get into the top 3 though!
  9. Desert-Mammoth

    Crusader: No Remorse in Ancient Warfare 3

    Thanks Keenan, means a lot. Since my last update I've been busy. Deadline was yesterday, the judging takes place tomorrow (3:00pm EST). If anyone finds themselves bored, the competition is being judged by one of the dev's Discord mods TomeBinder, a heavyweight of the AW3 community. He'll be...
  10. Desert-Mammoth

    Working out the final bugs before the deadline at midnight. Fingers crossed nothing breaks when...

    Working out the final bugs before the deadline at midnight. Fingers crossed nothing breaks when the judge plays it.
  11. Desert-Mammoth

    Crusader: No Remorse in Ancient Warfare 3

    So I've just finished making the map and have submitted it to the competition. Its already had very positive feedback, which is nice. Without going into too much personal detail I'm the father of two disabled children and because of that I generally have very, very little time to do anything, so...
  12. Desert-Mammoth

    Crusader: No Remorse in Ancient Warfare 3

    Hi guys, just a little update. Unfortunately I ended up abandoning the 1:1 recreation, purely because IRL stuff stripped me of most of my free time and in the intervening development lull I sort of lost all motivation to get back into it. That was until an Ancient Warfare 3 map competition was...
  13. Desert-Mammoth

    Crusader: No Remorse in Ancient Warfare 3

    Still working on the map. Made some shield batteries, and some other custom objects. Going to see if i can script an inventory that works in tandem with the vanilla game's, and will allow me to explore the use of items such as spider bombs and medikits that can be called upon later on. AW3's...
  14. Desert-Mammoth

    Crusader: No Remorse in Ancient Warfare 3

    Little update: So it looks like I'm going to have to cut the level into smaller missions and stitch them together into a campaign. Not a problem I guess, but the amount of light sources I'm having to use along with amount of fairly high-fidelity (for AW3 anyway) objects is going to cause an FPS...
  15. Desert-Mammoth

    Crusader: No Remorse in Ancient Warfare 3

    No update to the map tonight, as I spent my time scripting a custom hud. We now have an active energy shield, a weapon read out. I wanted to follow the actual CNR hud layout, but I can't get around the vanilla ammo system as it doesn't keep track of the player's total ammo, so I've sort of built...
  16. Desert-Mammoth

    Crusader: No Remorse in Ancient Warfare 3

    Little update/explainer of AW3 to avoid any future confusion over what it is I'm actually making this in :)
  17. Desert-Mammoth

    Crusader: No Remorse in Ancient Warfare 3

    That would actually be kind of handy. If you can send me the one of the first mission, I'd greatly appreciate it. What would be the best way of delivery?
  18. Desert-Mammoth

    Crusader: No Remorse in Ancient Warfare 3

    Yeah lol, I noticed that too, except that I've already moved beyond that now. I'll post another video tonight, and hopefully daily, showing my progress. With how AW3 works, I might end up splitting the level in several mini levels, so that it forms a type of campaign in its own right. I guess...
  19. Desert-Mammoth

    Crusader: No Remorse in Ancient Warfare 3

    Hah that's really cool! I never got into proper game development myself, although in hindsight considering how complex AW3 can get I think I could've figured it out if I went with Unity. Regardless, AW3 is all I know and so this project will be grounded in that game. If you have a flare for...