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  1. S

    No Remorse Frack. Little help?

    So I finally got my grubby little mitts on a copy of C:NR, and even got it to work. However, I am stuck like a moron on mission 11.  After all that work to get into the room with the teleporter and the big 4 on the wall, I can't figure out how to activate the telepad.  Is there hidden switch or...
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    Crusader start rewrite

    Don't miss this very nice fan fiction, which is actualy an alternative Crusader: No Remorse Intro script. The author is Shadowen, here what he has to say: You can read more by following this link to our forums -
  3. S

    Silencer's Real Name: Gary Stu?

    I am happy to report it is not. Brief backround: Mary Sue was the name of a non-canon character in a Star Trek fanfic a few decades ago.  The story was a parody of all the other stories where a young Starfleet lieutenant with skills above and beyond all the canon characters falls in love with...
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    Organizations Thread

    The "Crusader II Outline" thread wasn't really the proper place for posts on various organizations in the game world, so I made a new thread. The WEC The World Economic Consortium (WEC) is the 500 kg gorilla of the No Mercy game world.  There are no people who exist independently of it, not...
  5. S

    No Remorse The one thing No Regret had you wish No Remorse had?

    You might be surprised, considering all the weapons innovations and little graphical touches...but the one thing I really wanted in No Remorse after playing No Regret was the ability to do a forward roll.
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    No Regret The one thing No Remorse had you wish No Regret had?

    What did you miss from No Remorse in No Regret? For me, it was the intrigue.  "Who's the mole?"  "Brooks."  "No wai!"  Etc.
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    Outline for Crusader II

    Things that must happen: The storyline must conclude.  This means that the WEC must surrender, be defeated, or crush the Resistance. At least some of the mystery of the Captain must be revealed, which means delving into the origins of the Silencers.  I actually don't intend for the whole thing...
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    What makes a Silencer?

    Is it training?  Augmentation?  Genetic engineering/manipulation?  Any or all of the above? Me, I think it's hard to believe the literally superhuman (see the notes about No Regret's timeline in the No Regret board) Silencers owe their success to any one method of enhancement; it's more likely...
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    Just an observation...

    ...not an attempt to actually change the rules. But why no politics allowed, at least as it relates to the games?  On the outside, Crusader is a fun little blow-'em-up, but on the inside--especially with the release of No Regret--it actively started commenting politically.  Granted, any...
  10. S

    No Remorse Und how dus that mek you feel, hmm?

    So how do the survivors of the Resistance's Echo Sector detachment react to the deaths of half the personnel and the betrayal of one of their own? Maxis: A general.  Long used to the horrors of war and the loss of subordinates.  Grieves briefly and moves on. Ely: Likely the betrayal hurt more...
  11. S

    No Regret Weapons thread. KABOOM.

    One thing I thought was missing with both games in the weapons department... ...grenades.  Now, it's pretty tricky to do the physics coding for such things, or so I'd imagine, plus the engine really wasn't set up to have things bouncing around all over the place--witness the Silencer's...
  12. S

    No Regret So how much time did No Regret take, anyway?

    As far as I can tell, No Remorse, from the opening movie, had a span of about six months.  This is going by the opening movies of both; No Remorse says it's March, No Regret says September.  (Or, more accurately, 3.96 and 9.96.) No Regret, starts out 48 hours after the destruction...
  13. S

    No Remorse Hello? *echo*

    This place looks pretty empty.  Might as well fill it with something... the World of Darkness.  (Note: most abilities are rated 1 to 5, with 5 being absolute peak of human maximum; Olympian-level athleticism, for example.  Some Merits don't have ratings up 5.  Some traits, such as...
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    Might as well get this party started. How about that Internet?  They got some great things on that Internet.
  15. S

    Does *anyone* know...

    ...where I can get a Crusader: No Remorse demo? To my shame, I never got a copy of No Remorse.  I do have No Regret, so don't point me towards the myriad No Regret demos available online, thank you.  I just need a demo of No Remorse.
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    No Crusader II? It's a good thing

    Hear me out. It was probably a barely-functional alpha screenshot, but the Crusader II screen I saw wasn't all that inspiring, even when I first saw it back in 2000.  It looked like a slightly higher resolution treatment of Crusader, with the standard color-coded multiplayer deathmatch, and...