Search results

  1. Keenan

    No Remorse Topline Newsletter Scans

    Thanks to mcheu AGAIN, we have high-resolution scans of the No Remorse Topline newsletter! The Topline Newsletters were documents that were included with copies of No Remorse and No Regret that were fiction newspapers to help build the universe of the game. They're quite excellent reads! On...
  2. Keenan

    The Internet - Never Stop Surfing!

    It's always fun to find weird images on the internet.
  3. Keenan

    No Regret Box Scans

    Thanks to mcheu again, we have high-res No Regret box scans! No more MobyGames watermarks! The box sides will be added to our PDF versions soon. Thanks again! For the next update, I will try to get the No Remorse Topline Newsletter scanned. However, my scanner is unbelievably small, so it...
  4. Keenan

    No Regret Topline Newsletter Scans

    Today, we have large scans of the No Regret Topline Newsletter courtesy of mcheu. We'll add them as PDFs to our Fiction section soon. Thanks so much, mcheu! If you have high-res scans of ANYTHING Crusader related, just e-mail us! We'll gladly accept them!
  5. Keenan

    Cool Crusader Ad

    Joe Garrity of the Origin Museum has supplied us with a cool No Remorse advertisement. It was in his 15 boxes of Origin stuff.
  6. Keenan

    Wing Commander CIC Eighth Birthday Party!

    On August 10th, The Wing Commander CIC will turn eight years old, and every year in #WingNut they give away fantastic Wing Commander-related prizes! I recommend everyone to go there! Here is the schedule: The evening of Thursday, August 10 (early morning of Friday, August 11, in...
  7. Keenan

    High Resolution Box Scans

    I took some time today to scan my No Remorse and Crusader Collection boxes for archival purposes. I did scan the sides of the boxes, but those will be included when we upload it to our FTP for permanent download.  Ironically, I do not have a boxed version of No Regret. If anyone is willing to...
  8. Keenan

    Crusader DVD Case Covers

    A little over two years ago, I asked Ben "LOAF" Lesnick of the Wing Commander CIC to help me make DVD case covers for the Crusader games. Well, he did what I asked and I got half-credited for doing the work. For working only in Paint, they didn't turn out too bad! Fairly soon, they'll be on our...
  9. Keenan

    How to listen to the Crusader music

    Many of you may be wondering how to listen to the Crusader music we have to download, since the file format is .MOD. ModPlug Player will play these files!
  10. Keenan

    Origin Museum Collects Crusader

    Joe Garrity of the Origin Museum has been collecting all-things Origin for the past twelve years, and recently received some cool Crusader merchandise from Chris 'Binky' Launius, who helped work on No Remorse. The first item showcased is Chairman Draygan's jacket worn by actor Woody Skaggs in...
  11. Keenan

    No Remorse MOVED: No remorse problem

    This should be in tech support.
  12. Keenan

    UPDATED: Crusader Merchandise

    Over the past several years, I have been carefully watching eBay for rare Crusader merchandise. In October 2004, I seen an auction for two posters, they advertised No Remorse and No Regret, this was an opportunity I couldn't lose... so I decided to bid. The seller was 'ghosthacker'. When the...
  13. Keenan

    DOSBox 0.74 Crusader Guide

    DOSBox 0.74 Crusader Guide Welcome to the DOSBox 0.74 Crusader Guide. In this thread, I will list the steps on how to properly use DOSBox ( to run both Crusader games at the optimal level. Once downloaded, install it. If you get confused any time, just refer to the...