Search results

  1. Keenan

    R.I.P. John Watson

    I have been informed that Origin veteran John Watson has passed away. In case you don't know, John was a huge asset to the Ultima series, a programmer, artist, and designer for it. He also worked on several Wing Commander games, and also Crusader: No Remorse. He was credited as a Usecode...
  2. Keenan

    CIC Birthday

    Tonight's the Wing Commander CIC's ninth birthday. I highly recommend everyone here to come and join us for the celebration in #WingNut! It's always a ton of fun! Read details here! In your IRC client: /server /join #wingnut Or just simply go here for a Java client.
  3. Keenan

    New DOSBox!

    There's a new version of DOSBox out! DOSBox is the best way to play the Crusader games in XP (and maybe Vista). Here's a list of changes: Added a new recompiling cpu core which is easier to port! Added a x86_64 and a mipsel_32 recompiling core. Fixed hangups on certain platforms after long...
  4. Keenan


    Composed by Cyberion: Recently Keenan "Goku" Weaver in one of his sleepless nights was browsing around the internet and found very interesting information. The movie eXistenZ somehow has a connection to No Remorse... check the link below.
  5. Keenan

    Star*Soldier Manual

    Okay, now THIS is cool. Wing Commander Arena, the latest addition to the legendary Wing Commander series, is keeping up the tradition of including a great in-universe manual. It contains hundreds and hundreds of references to past events in the Wing Commander universe, and clears up continuity...
  6. Keenan

    M.U.G.E.N Silencer

    Forum member Andrew_Ardito has revealed his plans to create a Silencer fighter for M.U.G.E.N. M.U.G.E.N is a freeware fighting game engine where anyone can create their own fighter and dish it out with a huge selection of other characters. Here's what he has to say, Hopefully Andrew can...
  7. Keenan


    Echo Sector doesn't support the pirating of the Crusader games. Do not ask for/post download links Do not ask for tech support if you own a pirated copy -- it's really obvious BUY THE GAMES eBay - No Remorse eBay - No Regret
  8. Keenan

    The weirdest thing about Crusader

    The vending machines that shoot out grenades. Now that I look back at it, it's just a really weird thing. You're running around in a WEC complex shooting stuff up, then you see a vending machine. You decide to use it, and KA-BLAMMO! A GRENADE flies out and injures you. Maybe it was just the...
  9. Keenan

    Exclusive Crusader documents released!

    v.0.83 Today is a very big day not just for Echo Sector, but for Crusader fans in general. Today we unveil a new section of the site that contains very rare documents directly from the hands of the geniuses of Electronic Arts and Origin Systems, Inc. These documents contain scripts, engine...
  10. Keenan

    No Regret No Regret music help

    Hey everyone, I'm in the process of adding ID3 tags to all of the No Regret MP3s, so it'll look all nice and organized. I have a small problem though; I'm uncertain of the missions in which the songs play. The only ones I can recall is Ninth plays during Mission 1, and Phil plays while you're...
  11. Keenan

    Happy Birthday, Cyberion!

    Echo Sector co-founder Nikolay "Cyberion" Ivliev turns 24 today. I wish him much prosperity on this day and the rest of his life! Cyberion is the reason why you are reading this message right now. He owns and operates the sites on all the technical aspects. If he wasn't here, I wouldn't know...
  12. Keenan

    DVD collection?

    Any of you guys like to buy DVDs? I really like movies, so obviously, I have a pretty good amount of movies (For an unemployed 18-year-old  :P) Click on DVDlist.html for my collection.
  13. Keenan

    Which game had the better soundtrack?

    Both Crusader games had amazing soundtracks. In my opinion, they're two of the best soundtracks ever written for video games... Which game, do you think, had a better soundtrack? No Remorse had more of an ambient/melodic atmosphere to the music while No Regret had more of an action/hard-core...
  14. Keenan

    Wiki Needs Work!

    Wikipedia has grown in popularity over the past several years; it is a very popular source to read about specific topics such as bug species, astronomers, and even computer games. The article about our most favorite video games needs some work. We've been having a discussion about the various...
  15. Keenan

    Crusader Documents You Can Finally Read!

    The Silencer took some time out recently to transcribe the documents in our update about the artifacts uncovered after the death of the Origin Museum. Here are his results (with spelling errors correct by me): Thanks alot, The Silencer!
  16. Keenan

    Origin Museum's Remains

    Joe Garrity's Origin Museum recently closed down after many years of service, and I was deeply saddened by this. I can only hope that everything goes well for Joe in his future travels. Good luck, Joe! Despite the sad news, I have found some interesting stuff in the remains of the OM... A...
  17. Keenan

    EA Replay

    On October 31st, EA is releasing a compilation containing several of their classic game franchises, including Wing Commander, Road Rash, and Ultima for the Sony PSP. I recommend every one of you to, if you don't have one already, buy a PSP. Then on October 31st, get EA Replay. Who knows? Maybe...
  18. Keenan

    No Regret 10th Anniversary

    On September 12th, 1996, Crusader: No Regret was first released to the people. Crusader: No Regret was the sequel to the smash hit of 1995, Crusader: No Remorse. Made by Loose Cannon Productions, it took the concept of No Remorse and made it better in every aspect -- lush graphics, fascinating...
  19. Keenan

    We Are Not Dead!

    We are not dead! We are still updating our databases! Over two days, I went through every official document from every Crusader release, and I had made an amalgamation of info for nearly every page on the site. I still need to do the characters page, but nearly everything else will be updated!
  20. Keenan

    WEC Logo I recently scanned the Anti-Terrorist Site Security document... Anyone care to make a good looking WEC logo?