Search results

  1. Keenan

    Welcome to the new Echo Sector... again!

    After a long hiatus, Echo Sector has returned to crusade the Internet. Why were we away? Let me pull from my "webmaster excuses" hat. As the new site launched last year, I got a job and had to move to a new city. Right in the middle of that, the site went kaput. Whether it was a lack of interest...
  2. Keenan

    Crusader: No Remorse retrospective review on

    Writer and friend <a href="" target="_blank">Richard Cobbett</a> went and <a href="" target="_blank">reviewed</a> <em>Crusader: No Remorse</em> in November 2011 for PC Gamer. An excerpt: <blockquote>For...
  3. Keenan

    Welcome to the new Echo Sector

    Greetings Crusaders! Welcome to the all-new Echo Sector website. I've been wanting to redo our website for years now, but the attack to our vulnerable, out-dated website by a script kiddie recently kicked me into overdrive. A week later, we have a new website! To be honest, we developed this...
  4. Keenan

    PC Zone "Crusader: No Remorse" Preview

    Pix's Origin Adventures has posted a preview of Crusader: No Remorse from the August 1995 issue of PC Zone magazine. One thing that stands out to me is the actual language used and the angle from which the author writes. Writing about video games has changed a lot since then. Check it out here.
  5. Keenan

    Interview with Tony Zurovec on has posted their interview with Crusader series creator Tony Zurovec. There is a ton of fascinating tidbits which I've not yet heard from Tony. I'm planning to further analyze what is said in this interview. Nevertheless, here are some snippets: Regarding "Crusader II" Regarding No...
  6. Keenan

    Open Source Crusader Engine?

    Jason Ely, sound system programmer for the Crusader games, has pondered in the Crusader Facebook fan group the possibility of an open source Crusader engine. He says, Well, that's something I'm all for! One can assume Jason still retains access to all the assets of the games and is willing...
  7. Keenan

    Ask Tony Zurovec a question at is hosting a Q&A session with Tony Zurovec on their forum. Go ask a question and they'll choose the five best ones in exchange for a free game from their service. You know what to do, Crusader fans!
  8. Keenan

    Crusader: No Remorse Hits

    Crusader: No Remorse is on sale at for $5.99! <a href="" target="_blank">Pick it up DRM-free here</a>.<a href=""><img class="alignright" title="No Remorse on GOG"...
  9. Keenan

    EA games hit

    EA games hit!! Update: June 3 From's newsletter comes this image: Original update: Oh boy!, a digital distributor focusing on classic PC games, has gained the rights to sell classic EA games on its service. Currently, Wing Commander: Privateer, Dungeon Keeper and...
  10. Keenan

    No Remorse Cutscene Files

    Thanks to the efforts of Candy, we now have watchable No Remorse cutscenes. As of right now, they're in a file dump on my other website's FTP, but eventually they'll be migrated to Echo Sector. Check them out here. (Sorry for the huge delay, Candy! College/forgetfulness got in the way.)
  11. Keenan

    Revitalizing the music section

    FINALIZED SOUNDTRACKS Download here. Original post I've been wanting to rework the music section of the site. This consists of offering more versions of the soundtracks. Here is the breakdown. Original .AMF files from the games' discs. Converted .MOD files Typical .MP3 format (In 320kbps...
  12. Keenan

    Remixed Theme Surfaces

    Back in 2006, a top secret project was undertaken. It was a new Crusader game for the Sony PSP, developed by Outsider Development. Its title was Crusader: No Pity and was going to single-handedly revitalize our beloved series. Unfortunately, the project was canned. I've actually known about the...
  13. Keenan

    No Remorse Retrospective

    Retroplayer has conducted an interview with numerous Crusader alumni for The Gaming Liberty, including Tony Zurovec, Marco Perella, Mark Vittek and numerous others. The article is mainly about the making of the game, which is, of course, very interesting to us Crusader fans. Part 1 Part 2
  14. Keenan

    Crusader pumpkin

    Halloween's coming. As such, pumpkin carving is at its... highest. Nothing can top this. Many thanks to's ceemdee.
  15. Keenan

    Project Redlime Update

    THIS JUST IN! The secret game "Project Redlime" has been revealed. The franchise EA and Starbreeze Studios are reviving is... Syndicate :( We'll get 'em next time! Source
  16. Keenan

    Do your part!

    [hr] Good Old Games [hr] CD Projekt's Good Old Games is a new service that sells exactly what the title implies... good old (PC) games. Each game is fully compatible with XP & Vista, and tons of other goodies are included with the purchases, including the soundtrack of the game, wallpapers, and...
  17. Keenan

    New Crusader Game?

    Today, EA announced they, along with Starbreeze Studios, will be reinventing a classic EA franchise. Here is what they have to say: Project RedLime? Hmm... Crusader... Silencer... red suit... RedLime? Let us hope! Source:
  18. Keenan


    Cyberion and I apologize for not updating the site for several months. We have both been quite busy in real life (I just got into college! Spare me!) But I promise to update the website sometime soon. Thanks for sticking with us! As a present, here's a picture of a cool Origin team shirt...
  19. Keenan

    What do you want?

    Echo Sector is for Crusader fans like you. After the last update, I was wondering what exactly the next update will be. Cyberion and I have some exciting stuff planned, but I wanted to get the word of the fans; what exactly do you want Echo Sector to have? Do you want more archived documents? Do...
  20. Keenan

    New Domain!

    Ever forget what our website's URL is? Now there's no reason not to! We now own! Update your bookmarks! Additional information by Cyberion: Well just decided to make this news post a bit more bigger. It's a very great news for our portal and for all Crusader Community that we...