Search results

  1. Cyberion

    DOSBox 0.72 has been released!

    The guys from DosBox have released a new version of their program. V0.72. This release fixes a few bugs that slipped through when releasing 0.71. Here a list of the changes:     * Fixed unitialized variable in joystick. (Fixes crashes on Vista and Mac OS X)     * Some bugfixes and speedups...
  2. Cyberion

    Forum updated to 1.1.3

    Dear visitors, today we have updated our forum engine to version 1.1.3. In this release, a few small security issues have been addressed. Also, a few bugs that were found have been fixed. A summary of the fixes is as follows:     * Sending newsletters could cause a timeout on large boards.  ...
  3. Cyberion

    Chaser - officially unofficial crusader?

    Screeshot says it all: Chaser is a 3D first person shooter game with an exciting and deep storyline, full of unexpected action situations, environmental changes and many different environments. You wake up in a secret laboratory and within moments, you're amidst conspiracies, dangers and...
  4. Cyberion

    BlackLightning 3D Models

    This topic is for a firend of mine, who is awesome modeller! BL (BlackLightning) wanted to know what type of models from crusader could be interesting for us to model. So i have prepared a list of models for him, that he can model in his spare time for fun :D well the first task that i would...
  5. Cyberion

    Showcase of Echo Sector

    posted our portal for showcase on TP forums. Here is the link - I hope we will get good critics and good advises on design and maybe something more.
  6. Cyberion

    converting Crusader ingame sprites into *.tga files

    well was browsing some russian coder's forums and stumbled upon very interesting code. The guy managed to understand the code of Crusader sprites, read thema nd convert to TGA files. He wrote a code for a tool, which could be compiled into an easy convertor. Here is the code. LAter on I'll...
  7. Cyberion

    Jade Empire need help

    Guys do you have Jade Empire for PC? I bought one here in russia, but it's locolised version, but I want original english text. I do not want russian one. For that purpose i need original jade empire dialog.tlk file from the game. Could anyone upload it somewhere for me please?
  8. Cyberion

    Before next portal release

    While working on the next Portal Version 0.82, I have developed some enchancements to our site, which I brought to you online today. It's a special JavaScript, which made it possible to fade out the images, so they will be only 30% visible. I implemented this script into our Military Forces...
  9. Cyberion

    Forum Rules

    I guess not many people read the registration agreement and the rules that are mentioned there. So I decided to post a separate topic about forum rules, so you see it here. So here are the rules, which are mentioned in the registration agreement. TYPE LEGIBLY! We don't want to read messages...
  10. Cyberion

    Recent Troubles with Portal

    Good day/night everyone! If you visited our portal for the last 2 days, you could notice that you were unable to enter the forums. The portal gave you an error. I have to apologize, because mostly it was my fault. I was messing up with the portal's code and made some mistakes, which eventually...
  11. Cyberion

    Portal Updated to version 0.81

    Version 0.81 Hello everyone! Today we are pleased to announce another big portal update for all of you! Version 0.81 goes live!!! Yahoooooo.... This update features some neat stuff for you folks. Some parts of this update were published separately prior the full update was finished. Like music...
  12. Cyberion

    Mircles of computer physics

    You gonna love this guys!
  13. Cyberion

    RSS News

    Hello folks! While working on the next Portal Update v0.81 I made some enchancements to the website itself and made RSS channels available up to 16 topics (including news and new recent topics). Now if you like using RSS, now you can use our EchoSector RSS to monitor the last updates and posts...
  14. Cyberion

    to make you happy

    Enjoy, this thing is moody ;)
  15. Cyberion

    Crusader: No Hope 3D?

    Hello guys. Recently we all discussed the possibility of making Crusader into 3D with all modern features like newton physics, dynamic lightning, etc... For that case we do nto need to develop a whole new engine. there are multiple free engines already available. And I must say pretty good...
  16. Cyberion

    Crusader in 3D?

    Well we recently all discussed the possobility of creating Crusader in full 3D environment with the support of nowadays technologies like pixelshader 3.0 dynamic lighting, poligonal models, etc... I was thinking maybe it's time to create a seperate thread for that kind of discussion. I'm...
  17. Cyberion

    Small, but neat update

    Hello everyone! Those of you who visit forum regulary know that GOKU (Keenan Weaver) was working on mp3 music files from Crusader games. Converting them and adding the right tags to them. Well... he finished his job. It was decided not to keep this add'on till the next Portal Update, which...
  18. Cyberion

    Portal System updated 0.9.8

    Greetings everyone! Today we bring you an update to our Portal System (Tiny Portal). We are using this PHP-based portal system to run Echo Sector. Several bug-fixes have been done from 0.9.7 as well as the addition of a few new features, all to make TP function better. fixed an error with...
  19. Cyberion

    Portal Updated to version 0.80

    Version 0.80 Good day to everyone!!! It wasn't too long ago, when we brought you 0.77 portal update. Now it's the time for 0.80 update! Yes, yes, we are jumping 3 numbers. Why? Well because every number is meant for a specific section of a portal. Let's say we opened download section only...
  20. Cyberion

    Portal Updated to version 0.77

    Hello guys. I have updated portal with some new features. I added the calendar, where you can see the upcoming birthdays, events and holidays as well as the current date. Recoded the recent topics block, now it is more compact and uses forum icons to display new posts in the topics. I'm also...